Please Listen

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A/N: There is no smut in the chapter but I do want to warn you about the Sexual related attraction that will be in this chapter. Just so you know 👍

I quickly hop up and go back to trying to calmly clean up the glass but the sight of this bitch is only making me more mad. "What do you want?" I ask gritting my teeth. "Can we talk?" Kate asks as her voice is getting choked up. "No" I answer, ushering her out the door. I shut it, locking it. I could hear her mumble something but I couldn't hear it clearly. I reach into my pocket and pull out the tiny slip of paper with Wanda's number on it. Maybe I could try and call maybe. I abandoned the glass and picked up my phone dialing the number in. I bit my bottom lip. "Please pick up" I mumble "Please". I was almost about to give up and hang up but then it hits the last ring and a voice comes across the phone. "Hello?" Wanda's voice comes across small and nervous. "Hey" I answered. "(Y/N)?" She asks "Ya?" I ask "What are you doing your Uncle is an Avenger if this works out it will be awkward we could be friends?" She offers. "Oh-Um-Ok" I answer. "Hey I'm not in the best place so I'm just gonna go" I say hanging up deleting Wanda's number the minute I hang up.

I lay in my bed falling asleep.

I wake up groggy in the morning. "Ugh" I moan as I roll over stretching. I get up, shower, and wash my face, and brush my teeth before walking out into the living room. I make my way into the kitchen where I see a tiny folded piece of paper. It reads "Hey girls I am out on the mission with Yelena and Natasha I will be back when we finish in about a week or so. I love and miss you both. Kate please take care of her.". I take a pen and scratch out the last part. Kate's not my mom. I move to the couch and turn on the T.V barely aware when Kate wakes up until she is standing right in front of me. "Move" I say, pushing her out of the way with my outstretched leg. "Can you just listen to me!" She yells. 

"No Kate I can't" I say my eyes are still glued to the T.V. "And why not?" She asks, annoyed. "Because if you wouldn't have overreacted when I brought home another girl I would still give you a chance but no I am done with second chances so deal with it" I add. "I didn't mean it" she says sitting down next to me. "Really?" I ask "Are you sure about that?" I ask now, turning my attention to her. She pauses; she doesn't want to see this side of me or she will get punched because Clint won't be here to stop my fist from hitting her face. 

"See now you think I am crazy" I say turning away so she can't see the burning anger in my eyes. "No I still don't" she says, her tone calming down. "God I can't do this. I can't sit next to you and act normal when I know full well we fucked" I say pushing myself up from the couch. "Please one more chance I know you didn't mean what you said" she begs from behind me. "N-" I am cut off with Kate pulling me down onto the couch and climbing on top of me. 

"No" I force myself to say sitting up underneath her. But I am slowly being intoxicated by her sweet smell. "You know you want to" she adds, slipping a warm hand up my shirt. "N-No" I stutter. She runs her hand over my abs and up to my bra. "Come on (Y/N) one more chance" she begs as I feel her undo my bra. "Damn" I mutter. I turn back to her blue eyes. I pull myself away. "No Kate" I say finally as I push her off of my and redo my bra. 

She looks like a deer in the headlights when I finally push her off of me. "(Y/N)" she says. "No no no!" I yell while sitting on the couch. "Alright fine" she gives in. I smile before hopping up and heading into the kitchen to make breakfast to try to get my mind off what happened. I have never made breakfast in my life so I stood there for about 30 minutes trying to think about how to make stuff. 

"Need help?" Kate chuckles. "Uh ya" I say moving to the side so she could cook. I hop onto the counter and watch as she moves swiftly and smoothly through the kitchen. "So how did you sleep?" She asks as she mixes together the pancake batter. "Good, what about you?" I ask "Good as well" She answers. "Who do you think their boss is?" Kate asks "I don't know but the mission is going to take a week" I say immediately regretting bringing up the amount of time we have to spend together.

Just then my phone rings. I hop off the counter and walk into my room grabbing my phone and picking up without looking at the number first. "Hello?" I answer. "Hey (Y/N) do you maybe want to hang out today?" Wanda asks. "You called back" I answered shocked and a bit touched. "Ya do you want to?" She asks again. "Uh ya sure" I answered. "Cool cya soon" she says before hanging up. I quickly changed into black ripped jeans and a tight fitting t-shirt that barely showed off my abs. Then I grab a hoodie from my closet, tossing it over my shirt. 

I walk back out and enjoy breakfast with Kate. After we were done I helped load the dishwasher. "I'm going out" I yell as I go to open the door. "Where are you going?" She asks, peeking her head out from behind the wall dividing the kitchen from the living room. "Places Kate places" I answer grabbing the keys off the hook.

A/N: What a rough morning

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