CHAPTER 5-Book 2

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"Kate, (Y/N) I figured out a plan!" Clint yells from the living room. His loud voice startles the two of us apart and we give each other awkward smiles before getting uo from the ground.

"What were you going to ask me?" I ask Kate before we leave the privacy of my room. "Nothing" Kate dismisses.

"Ok" I shrug and we both walk out of my room and into the living room. I collapse on the couch near Yelena and Kate sits down on the floor. "Whats your amazing plan?" I ask sarcastically.

"We have to kill you off" Natasha states. "Now this is a plan I like" I say.

"Not in real life you dummy" Yelena rolls her eyes. "Dammit" I mutter.

"Anways we kill you off then the police have no one to chase and the gang you started trouble with has nothing to chase" Clint says.

"Sounds like shit ton of work" I groan.

"You got yourself into this mess kid were trying to help you out" Clint claims.

"Your wrong you called me at 2 in the morning claiming you needed what did I do I went out there and saved your asses even when I didn't want to because Wanda told me he's your uncle go help so I did" I say anger rising up through my stomach.

"Wanda?" Kate asks warily. "Mhm" I mumble.

"Your with her?" She asks. "No I'm still single" I say

"(Y/N) your not single Wanda kissed you" Yelena points out. "I never asked you thank you very much" I answer sarcastically.

"Can we start this plan as soon as possible I would like to get out of this apartment" I say getting up from the couch to go back into my room.

Once inside I make sure to lock the door I don't need someone coming in to bust me. Then I turn towards the window and open it letting in the cool New York air.

I hop out the window on to the little balcony and take out my phone. It rings a few times but someone finally picks up.

"Hey Wands want to get drinks again and hang out?" I ask. "Sure sounds good" she answers.

"I'll meet you at your place" I add quickly. "Oh ok" she says. "I'll send you the address"

"Got it thanks" I say and then hang up a minute passes and I have her address. I climb down the balcony making sure to not fall the entire way down. Then I'd surely be dead.

I reach the given address and knock on the door. "Hey Wands" I say with a warm smile. "Hey (Y/N)" she says back.

She invites me in and we pick a moive to watch and we chill. "So did your uncle decide on a plan yet?" She asks during the movie.

"Well kind of I don't think it's gonna work but I wouldn't be able to come up with much better" I chuckle.

"True, What about Kate?" She asks. "I know it was awkward when you left"

"Oh me and her were chill" I say even though I swear she was going to ask if she could kiss me. It was so natural with her and not forced like it usally is.

"Cool" Wanda says turning back to the TV. I had my phone on vibrate so after about 3 hours I got a call.

I fish out my phone and hold it up. I groan and answer. "Hello?" I answer.

"Get home" Clint yells without any other context.

"I am home" I lie seeing if it would work. "Your room is empty and your windows open" he says clearly not amused.

"Haha" I laugh. Sending him even further over the edge. "Get home" he states again more seriously this time.

"Ok ok" I say hanging up. "I got to go Wanda it was fun" I say with a smile.

"Ok good luck" Wanda says as I walk out the front door. "Thanks I'll need it" I call back

I sprint all the way home avoiding anything that may lure my attention away from this. I get home and get back in through my window. But my foot gets caught and I fall face first back inside.

I rub my head and sit up. "Forget the Ronin like mission I got to deal with your behavior" Clint says sternly.

"I'm sorry" I mumble. "Ya whatever kid lock your window and go to bed I don't want to hear it I'll figure out what to do with you in the morning" he sighs annoyed.

(Word Count 794)
A/N: A little shorter but this is only a filler chapter thats sets up stuff for the next chapter.

Clint's Niece (KateXfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now