CHAPTER 8-Book 2

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Time seems to pass minute after minute...second after second. I can't seem to calm my ever building nerves nervouse that once I calm them I will be to vulnerable. Vulnerable to attacks and plans that are out of my control. I swear I hear everything every micro sound I can hear it. Suddenly there is another knock at my window scared it might be the police I duck and hide in the closet.

The window it thrown open and a masked person steps inside. "Come out of the closet" a thick Russian accent says. I step nervously out of the closet my hair ruffled from all my moving. Yelena chuckles. "You wouldn't think I'd let you fight police alone would you?" She asks.

"Uh you don't expect strike me as the type to help out" I say nervously. "Well thanks for the compliment" she says sarcastically rolling her eyes. "What about Kate?" I ask.

"Bishop?" She repeats. "She's helping Clint"

"She's what?" I ask. "She called me and told me she wanted me out of this mess"

"Don't trust her" Yelena says sternly. "And why would I trust you?" I ask stepping back.

"Because if you don't your going to get hurt" she says and my gaze drops to the gun the pokes out of a holster. "Ok" "Ok" I give in hurriedly.

"Good" Yelena says. "Who's house is this?"

"Uh Wanda's" I say. "Oh Red-ish girl" Yelena says.

"Mhm" I say my throat going dry from the unexpected powerlessness I feel. I think about shrinking back into the closet leaving Yelena to whatever she has planned to do. But my gaze keeps dropping the the gun and the way her hand lingers on the handle. "You good?" She asks with a smug look.

"Mhm" I sputter out as my breathing pauses for a minute. "Do I make you nervous (Y/N)?" She asks stepping closer. "Y-no" I stutter.

"Really?" She asks stepping closer once again. Damn I don't know what I am feeling. I swallow my spit hoping it will revive dry throat. "Get.On.The.Ground" she sneers. And I drop to the ground quickly as she whips out her gun.

"Listen" she says kneeling down to my level. "Your going to come with me and everything will be ok" she says.

"Where are we going?" I ask boldly. I feel a cold sensation meet the back of my head. She pushes harder and harder until I think my skull will fracture. "Yelena I'd be careful I was raised by Widows too" I say and in the flash of light I have her in a chokehold.

"Just like the first time we met" I say with a dry chuckle suddenly aware of the power I hold. I tighten my grip and Wanda busts into the room. "(Y/N)?" She asks worriedly upon finding this.

"Get out of the room Wanda I don't want you to get hurt" I beg and she nods stepping out or the room. "Your little girlfriend" Yelena laughs.

I tighten my grip further. "Say that one more time" I sneer. "Girl...........friend" She draws out. And I snap kneeing her in the back and dropping her to the ground. She looks up at me weakly. "You'll never catch me" I say with a wicked smile. Then I flee the room on the run again.

I hear footsteps behind me and I only pick up the pace. "Leave me alone!" I yell and turn slightly to see tha black figure chasing after me. "Your running from the wrong people" Yelena says. "Who's side are you on?" I call stopping to turn around.

"Yours" Yelena says. "I needed you to listen Clint has a safe house this is all part of his plan please trust me" she begs tackling me into a hug which knocks me off my feet. "Who knew you liked hugs" I laugh hugging her back.

"Do you trust me now?" She asks into my shoulder. "Ya" I say. "Still a little uneasy though"

"Understandable" she says letting go and grabbing my hand. "Come pn we got to get to the safe house" she drags me.

Just then a gun shot rings out and we both pause dead in our tracks the last glimpse of light comes from the gun. The bullet whizzes hitting me in the chest as I fall to my knees. Yelena looks down at me with a guilty look. I can't trust anyone.

"Is this part of your plan too?" I pant the pain building in my chest. "No" Yelena begs. "Please stay awake we can make it" She says picking my up in her arms.

"This is confusing and messed up" I breathe. "I know but once we get you to the safe house we can explain it all" she says.

I don't know what happened next all I know is police encircled us red and blue lights were etched into my vision as I closed my eyes to numb the pain.

(Word Count 865)
A/N: Little bit of a confusing chapter but the next one will make more sense trust me.

Should we trust Yelena? Kate? And Natasha? What about Clint?

Clint's Niece (KateXfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now