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A/N: Very Short filler chapter the next chapter will include so spicyness so ya lol

Later that night we all chill in the living room. "Earlier today Kate told me she had a crush" I sat trying to start a conversation. "Really Kate Bishop has a crush" Clint says with a surprised look on his face. "Ya" Kate says embarrassed. "I think I know who it is," Clint adds while taking a sip of his beer. "Really who?" I ask sitting up straight. Kate glares at Clint and Clint shuts his mouth. "Nevermind (Y/N) it's just some guy we worked with a while ago" Clint says brushing the subject off. "Who is it?" I push. "Leave it alone," Clint says. "I want to know!" I say throwing myself back on the couch. "You'll find out soon enough," Clint adds, giving me an annoyed look. 

I immediately leave the subject alone and we go on to talk about other things. "So what have you 2 been up to today?" Clint asks. "Not much" I say when I see Kate's face light up. I do not want to revisit my past right now. "What Kate?" Clint asks, catching on to the spark in her eyes. "She told me about her past," Kate says proudly. "Why are you so proud" I ask looking from Clint to Kate. "Because you're starting to trust again" Clint says with a soft smile on his face. "Ok and that's enough for tonight" I say, plugging my ears. "You just hate hearing the truth don't you?" Clint asks "No it's not that I don't want to hear it's more that I don't want to hear it" I say truthfully. "Why?" Kate asks 

"Because I feel like I am losing my toughness or I am becoming weak" I say. "Don't ever think that" Clint says standing up from the green rocking chair. "Anyways goodnight girls I'll see you guys in the morning" he says walking into his room and shutting the door behind him. "Want to watch a movie in my room?" Kate asks. "On your laptop?" I ask. "Ya" she says getting up from the couch and reaching out her hand to help me up. I take it and get up and we both walk into her room. I collapse onto her bed as she grabs her laptop off the charger. 

Kate lays the computer between us and lays down next to me. The movie flashes across the screen.

A/N: What will happen next IDK?

Clint's Niece (KateXfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now