CHAPTER 3-Book 2

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Many yelps in pain later.....Wanda finally finishes patching up my wound and offers to help me move to the couch. "Let me help you" she offers.

"I can do it myself Wands" I say denying her offer. "Alright" she sighs going into the living room.

I follow behind her and each time I step immense pain comes from the stitched up wound. The pain almost pushes me into tears leaving my eyes red.

"You ok?" Wanda asks when I finally get to the living room. "Mhm" I hmm.

I collapse onto the couch next to her. "Never doing that again" I say exasperated.

"Alright but I'm glad you did" she says flipping the TV on.

We flip through channel after channel until we reach the news channel. Where I see video footage of me and my epic police chase. "Your screwed" Wanda speaks in utter disbelief.

"Ya I'm aware" I laugh lightly.

Breaking News
A mysterious masked visual anti was almost arrested after a police chase broke out. The masked attacker is still under investigation and they are still out there. I advise to be careful.

"They act like I broke out of jail" I say shaking my head. "I was helping not attacking"

"We'll figure this out" Wanda says. "Nah it's fine Wands go home I don't want you getting hurt with this" I say turning to her.

"But (Y/N) you need someone in your corner you can't fight the law alone" she makes a point.

"Well welcome to the future" I chuckle. "Now go"

Wanda stands up grabbing her jacket that was hung on the coat rack and move towards the door. I follow her and open the door for her. I give her a sad smile before she walks out.

She lingers in the door way and we just stare at each other different emotional smiles on our face. She leans down and leaves a kiss on my cheek. "If you need anything I'll help" she says as she walks out the door.

"Good to know" I call after her before shutting the door. I turn around and am met with a silhouette of a person.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I scream. "Calm down we know its you who is the masked assassin" the person says stepping out of the dark to reveal Yelena.

"Damn you are scary" I say. "Am I?" She asks shocked.

"Mhm" I answer. "I'm not getting help from you ok? I can handle this alone"

"Are you sure because blood is drenching one side of your shirt and you look exhausted" she points out.

"One the cut is patched up I just didn't change shirts and two I am exhausted because I went to help your dumbasses" I say rasing my voice with each word.

"How'd you even get in here?" I ask moving back towards the living room. "Uh window" she says pointing to the open window.

"Forgot to close that didn't I" I say regretting everything. "Ya" she says.

"Just go Yelena I'll be fine" I beg. "Go!"

"If I leave your coming with me" she says. "Easy way or hard"

"How about hard but I won't have consequences you will" I speak boldly.

"Let's see what you've got" she taunts.

I can't ignore the nagging feeling that wants to attack her knowing its going to end even worse. The anger is bubbling up from tonight and past nights when I felt completely useless.

I was the mission Clint didn't want. Even though he offered for me to stay with him. "I'm not in the mood" I sigh.

Being tired I leave Yelena there and move into my bedroom. I collapse into my bed tirelessly. I don't care what Yelena does because it won't effect me in any way shape or form.

Just then a person materializes in my doorway. "Go away Yelena!" I beg.

"Your coming with us kid" the voice says. "Oh my god are you all just climbing through the open window?" I ask from my bed.

"Mhm" Clint hmms. "Your annoying I hope you know that" I speak loudly.

My mind and body are not ready to see Kate again. Just not something I can exactly stomach right now. It's going to be awkward. I left that night because of her then forced myself to believe it was all of them.

Which my mind believed and I can now list millions of reasons why they are bad and annoying. "You coming?" He asks again.

"Does it look like I am?" I ask sarcastically. "Calm down kid" he sighs annoyed.

I spring up from my bed. "You are trespassing right now on my are standing here telling me to come with you even though I left because I never wanted to live with you in the first place" I breath out angrily. "You think I enjoy being alone no but when I am with you guys you tend to drag me around like a rag doll I can't do or say anything that will stop you. I am powerless when I with you" I seethe feeling more and more anger bubble inside or me.

"I'm sorry" Clint says from the doorway. "I'm sorry is not going to fix the time I stayed with you" I sneer.

Once again I am stuck in this situation again anger bubbling deep within me that threatens my whole existence of being alive. If I am caught I am charged with who knows how many and then life in prison or death penalty.

I push the anger down reminding myself the night I had with Wanda. How we laughed together, talked together. It felt more like a date to me and I don't know if she felt it to or it was just me.

"Come on kid" Clint forces again. "I'm.not.going" I enunciate every word.

"Hard way it is then" he sighs with fake emotion.

Then the world goes black and a pain is in my side again.

(Word Count 1076)

A/N:I may start writing a new book if you have any ideas of what it should be don't be afraid to offer your ideas.

(Helpful Plot questions) (FOR FANS TO ANSWER)
-Should Clint make up with (Y/N)?

-Should he use her secret identity against her?

-Should Kate and (Y/N)'s first interaction be awkward or kind?

-Should (Y/N) run back to Wanda?

-Should there be a second climax?

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