CHAPTER 9-Book 2

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White dots fade in and out of my vision as I blink back into consciousness. My head spins as I try to gasp in breaths I couldn't exactly earn. I awake fully when I feel myself hyperventilating. I get my breathing on track and sit up looking around the dusty old room. A plain picture of a flower in a pot sits on the wall proving to be the only decoration in the room.

I swing my legs over the bed and stand up. Something about this room is familiar but I can't lay my finger on what was so familiar. I walk to the bared up window and survey the surrounding area. Budapest. My mind swells with memories that make me dizzy. Why are we here. I ask myself. I leave the window and push open the creaky door. "Why are we here!" I yell into the silence. Knowing at least someone would answer.

"It's the safest place" A Russian accent says from the kitchen. "Mhm safe" I say as I swivel my head back and fourth looking at the lingering gunshoots and debris. "This place is not safe" I comment as I lean against the doorway. "Your so picky" Nat says annoyingly slapping me on the back. I  hold back a yelp. "Kate and Clint will be here soon" Yelena says refusing to acknowledge my presence behind her.

I roll my eyes. "What are they doing?" I ask. "Holding back police and Red Room Widows" Nat says pouring herself a glass of coffee. "Widows?" I ask. "We didn't save them all" Yelena says with a inch in her voice. I sit down across from Nat my mind still spinning as my body sore. "And this is the safest safehouse you could find?" I ask curiously.

"We all don't have million dollar mansions as safehouses (Y/N)" Nat comments sarcastically. "I never said that" I mumble. We sit in silence soon Yelena joins us at the table seeming more on edge then usual. The sound of her shoe tapping against the floor fills the silence. We all stare at each other old enemies. "You good?" I ask turning to Yelena. "Mhm" she mumbles quietly.

"What's wrong?" I ask "You seem on edge"

"I'm fine" she says shooting me one of her classic annoyed looks. Silence engulfs us again Nat leans back in her chair catching on the the everlasting tension between me and Yelena. She smirks and looks from me to her sister. "What?" I ask. "Nothing" she says the smug smirk still on her face.

"You got something to say?" Yelena asks. "No no" Nat says. "Alright quit looking at me" I say turning my chair the opposite direction from the both of them. I stare at the old wooden door wating for Kate to walk in with her dumb stupid grin that lights up any room she enters even if your in the midst of a run away.

"Do you love her?" Yelena finally asks. "What kind of question is that?" I ask.

"You knew me longer then her even if you didn't care to admit it you never told Clint did you" she pushes further into uncharted area. "I never told him I knew you two it would have had other interferences but also you seemed like you didn't have a problem forgetting me too" I say rasing my voice.

"Ya I was playing along with your little facade" she sneers.

"Just because you guys rescued me doesn't mean I have to praise you doesn't mean I have to love you" I say turning back around to see the sudden look of betrayal written across both of there faces. "Listen tell Clint whatever you want he already hates me enough" I say.

The tension only grows as we all sit in a stare off. The tension almost threatens to make us break down but the door flings open and we all spin our heads towards it. "(Y/N)!" Kate yells I stand up allowing her to jump into my arms I turn back to Yelena with a smirk. She gives me a dirty look in return. "Sorry kid for sending Yelena to take you here she was the only one who wouldn't take no as an answer" Clint apologizes.

"It doesn't matter as long as were safe" I say gritting my teeth together harder and harder with every word. Kate mumbles something inaudible into my ear which in turn makes me leave the kitchen Kate still holding on to me as we walk into the bedroom I woke up in. "This is chaotic" Kate sighs flopping back on to the bed.

"Mhm" I mumble still feeling the affects of the earlier conversation. "You ok?" She asks sitting up.

"Ya I'm perfectly fine just a bit tired" I say joining her on the bed. She scoots closer to me cuddling into me chest. I wrap my arms around her pulling her as close as she can get to me. She looks up at me with an innocent look before reaching up and laying a soft kiss on my lips which slowly turns heated as we explore each others mouths with our tongues.

"Love you" I say.
"Love you too" Kate says slipping her hands into my hair. I slide my hands down her back and back up earning a small moan from her. Just then the door flings open and an aggressive blondy pulls me off the bed and drags me by the arm into the kitchen. "Tell him the truth" she fumes.

"Truth?" Kate questions joining the rest of us in the kitchen. "Stay out of this Kate Bishop" Yelena says.

"Yelena...." Nat says as she sees my face reddened with madness angry floods my vains. "I don't have to tell you anything!" I yell.

"Say.It" Yelena forces I can hear a gun being cocked behind me. A smirk appears across my face as I turn towards her.

"I'd watch yourself Belova" I sneer.

(Word Count 1024)
A/N: Yelena, Nat and (Y/N) have a past together. She should be an actor she fooled Kate and Clint into her "cluelessness". And a little Kate moment there may or may no be a few more coming in the future.

P.S: Sorry this chapter is posted a bit late been busy

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