The Last Mission

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We arrive home and we all make our way past the weird looks. Clint unlocks the door allowing us to walk inside. I sigh as I fall onto the couch only to be pulled back up by my arm. "I need to patch up your huge gash," Clint says, yanking me into the kitchen. "Ok ok" I say hopping up onto the counter. He does his stuff as I sit there bored and tired. When he's done I hop off the counter and fall onto the couch next to Yelena. "How are you feeling?" She asks. "Fine" I say. "Good," she says. Clint walks into the living room joining the rest of us. "(Y/N)" he says looking at me disappointed. "Ya?" I ask. 

"I know you didn't die but I don't want you doing that anymore. You need to stop being so reckless" he says. "Right now" I say "You had to bring that up right now?" I am annoyed. "Look you completed your stupid mission with my help and I didn't die is that enough for you?" I snap. "(Y/N) don't do this anymore" he says, giving me a glare. "Haha" I laugh. "I'm 21 Clint not 5" I say sarcastically. "I'll do what I want" I say, turning my attention back to T.V. "No you will not" he says. "You really want to start a fight huh?" I ask standing up. "Don't (Y/N)" Natasha says, trying to pull me back. "Listen to me ok!" I yell. "Clint messaged me with a somewhat distressed text and I came and helped this whole time I've stayed with them….a girl has fallen in love with me, I fought 2 ladies who are now sitting in our apartment" I say taking a deep breath. "And I've been trying to find myself!" I snapped again. "I'm sorry (Y/N)'' Clint adds as he sees me getting mad. "No no NO I'm sorry, I'm sorry won't fix this" I say. "I don't want to hear heartfelt lies" I say "I'm dumb, stupid, reckless, unlovable, emotions aren't exactly my thing, I am just trying to figure out who I am and I am being held back by my damn uncle!" I yell.

I'm done with this. They are all going to apologize and try to make me happy but at this point in time I wasn't happy. Feelings lost. I walk away slamming my door as I enter my room. I picked up the picture I smashed a few nights ago. A picture of a younger happier me, my brother and Clint. That was the last time I'd experience freedom. I lay in bed holding the cracked photo in my embrace. All my family is gone. My brother is. I don't even know my mom and dad have died so I don't know why Clint says your mom would kill me but I just let him. Gives me the feeling she's still around. 

I sit in my room and time passes faster than I think before I know someone is knocking on my door. "You need to get changed, we have a dinner party tonight with Clint" Yelena says through the door. "Alright" I say getting up and getting on an all black suit and tossing on a gold chain with my brother's name on it. I fix my messy hair and walk out.

"Why do we have to do this?" I am kind of annoyed. I was having a great time chilling in my bed staring at the ceiling in peace. "This is a secondary mission," Yelena adds. "Oh ok" I say. "And you're not helping" Clint adds as he walks out in a snazzy suit. "Never seen you in a suit before" I add leaning against the wall next to the door. "Same to you" he says. "Ok come on" Clint says as we all walk out the door to the cramped little car we still drive in. I zone out for most of the ride. I wasn't on this mission so I didn't have to listen exactly.

I sit back on my phone with my free hand resting on my thigh. We ride in silence when their conversation is over. I feel a hand slip into mine and I look down to see Kate's hand intertwined with mine. I give in tonight is the night I relax. I don't need another break out of anger, just relax. I slouch back further into my chair until I am comfortable. It doesn't last long though because we arrive sooner than I thought we would. "Let's go" Clint calls as he throws open his door. "Alright" I mumble. 

We all walk up to the entrance getting weird looks. I mean this different group arriving at a party. People are probably wondering how a redhead lady and a light brown haired guy can have 3 kids of the same age, one with blond hair, black, and brown. I mean I would give the same look. I just smile at them. 

"Ok me, Yelena and Natasha are going to be quick Kate stay with (Y/N)" Clint says. "K" Kate answers. "Alright thanks" he says and Yelena and Natasha break off to go do this mission. "So What do you want to do?" I ask Kate who can't seem to keep her eyes off me tonight. "Um what?" She stutters, pulling her vision away from me. "Dude, is there something on my shirt?" I ask looking down. "No your um just….you look good" she finally gets out. "Like hot?" I tease. "Mhm" she mumbles as her eyes rove up my body. 

We are off to the side so we don't bring a ton of attention. So I step closer wrapping my arms around Kate. She tries to look away but I pull her face back to meet mine. "I'll make sure you don't look away" I say, giving her a smug smile. "You're doing a good job," she laughs. "Mhm your right" I say moving my head until my forehead rests on hers. She seems nervous for some reason but nothing is wrong. "It's just us Kate nothings going to hurt you" I say. "Ya I know" she adds plainly. "No ear pieces or missions, or adults to yell at us just us" I say slamming my lips to meet hers. 

She gives in and we melt into each other. I pull her closer as she slowly moves away with the force of the kiss. Her lips move down my neck and I hold back a tiny moan. I was getting into this kiss until I heard muted voices coming from Kate. "Are you speaking?" I groan. "No?" Kate adds moving back up my neck to meet my lips again. "Oh ok thought I heard voices" I mumble against her lips. "Ok baby" she adds. I let a tiny moan slip when Kate slid her tongue into my mouth but no one seemed to care. We both pull back from the kiss breathing heavily. I swear I am not insane. I hear voices. I look over at her nothings off or anything but…..

Kate turns her head to look in the opposite direction to look over at something I don't know. And I see it. "A fucking ear piece Kate" I mutter. "What?" She says turning back to me. "An ear piece Bishop '' I added, raising my voice. "No no it's not!" She says. "Let me see it then" I say, sticking out my hand. She gives in, handing me the tiny black earpiece. I place it in my ear and listen to Yelena, Clint and Natasha commenting about what they had just heard. "This is fucking embarrassing" I say. "Um (Y/N)?" Clint says. "Why do I trust you people?" I ask. "Cause" Yelena adds sarcastically. Before anyone could say anything else I took the earpiece out smashing it to bits on the floor. 

"You mistake me for a fool Bishop?" I ask her. "No no I don't" she says, stepping back against the wall. "You're going to wish you had it" I said as my hand grips around her neck in anger. "I'm sorry" she squeaks. "I don't care" I say and then without Clint to hold me back I punch her again and again.Then I dropped her to the ground. She slides her back down the wall and sits there trying to catch her breath. 

I've done it all the Red Room memories slip back and I feel good but also guilty I was never meant to hide this side. I look down at Kate before running. I don't know where I am running but I am going somewhere. I don't stop running until I reach a tiny bar which I know is about 2 hours or so away from where we were. I look around before sitting down on a tiny bench. My anger wasn't leaving. I shouldn't have put it up because now I have snapped. There isn't any going back.

The people I trusted the most aren't good people. I hate all of them. Why did she have to reveal her feelings for me? Life wouldn't have gone down hill. I am weak. I'm stupid for trusting them when they don't even trust me.  A gym punching bag won't stop this anger. I thought about calling Wanda but I decided against it in the end. Not even her and her powers would stop me. I lean my head back against the cold brick taking in everything from the smoke filled New York air to the feel of the cold chain around my neck. I take deep breaths.

If they loved me they would have come looking for me. 

Clint's Niece (KateXfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now