2 Fights

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We get back to the apartment and I walk in grabbing water from the fridge. "So?" Clint asks. "What?" I say shutting the fridge and opening the bottle of water. "Why is there so much tension between you 2?" He asks as he pulls out the necessary stuff to make more arrows. "It's nothing," Kate mutters. "Kate look I'm sorry I didn't mean it, it-it came out and I was annoyed" I say guilty dropping my gaze to the floor. "Whatever (Y/N)" she says walking into her room and slamming the door. "Fuck" I mutter to myself. "What is going on?" Clint asks. "Nothing Clint!" I snap out of annoyance. 

"Ok calm down" he says softly. "No" I answered with my voice glossed over with annoyance. I angrily walk into my room grabbing my phone and gym bag. "I'm going" I say, grabbing a set of keys off the hooks. "Alright" Clint calls from the kitchen. I walk to the gym and toss my stuff into the locker and tape up my hands walking out to the front. I walk over to a punching bag and take my anger out on it not caring about techniques. 

As I was punching the bag ruthlessly a girl walked over to me about my age and looked maybe 1 year older. "You good?" She asks, scanning me up and down. I break away from the bag breathing heavily. "I'm fine" I breathe out. "Hey maybe we could hang out sometime?" She says. "Ya" I say with a tired smile on my face. She hands me a tiny folded paper with her number on it and I tuck it away into my pocket. "Thanks" I say as I go back to punching the bag, the tape slowly rubbing off with each punch. 

"No problem" she says walking away. This is a great distraction I think to myself. Maybe me and Kate weren't meant to be let alone I didn't know she liked me so ya. After about 5 hours of aimlessly punching this bag on a chain I gather my stuff and tiredly stumble into the locker room where I grab my stuff and walk out. "Hey do you want to go out for a drink or something?" The girl asks me. "Actually ya but can I go home and wash off?" I ask while still walking with her walking next to me. 

"Ya sure" she says, smiling a sweet innocent smile. "Damn I love that smile" I flirt smiling back. We walked back to my apartment to get to know each other. "My uncle is going to yell at me" I say as I twist the key into the lock. "(Y/N) you bitch!" Kate yells as she looks at me entering with another girl. "You found your-" Clint stops scanning over the girl. "Wanda?" He asks, confused. "Clint?" The girl asks back. "Well this is a surprise," Clint says with a surprised look. 

"You guys know each other?" I ask just as confused as they are. "Ya she's an Avenger" Clint says with a soft smile. "You're a slut" Kate yells from the couch. Then I realize just why I left. I begin to feel angry over my body as I walk over to Kate swinging my fist. "(Y/N) calm down" Clint says quickly grabbing my swinging fist. "No let go of me!" I yell. Kate sinks further into the couch as she sees the side of me I didn't want revealed. "I'm s-o-sorry (Y/N)" Kate stutters. The front door shuts causing me to snap out of my angry induced rage. "Man I fucked it up with another girl" I yell storming off to my room. 

"(Y/N) I'm sorry!" Kate yells before I slam my door shut. "I don't want to hear it!" I yell back. I throw my sore body onto my bed letting myself relax for the first time in a while. Our mission starts tomorrow. Hopefully it's quick. I lay there face down on my bed breathing heavily as I try to keep myself calm. "I'm fine," I mutter. "I'm fine". Breathe...breathe..breathe. I get off of my bed and walk over to my computer and grab it, opening it. I re-hack into Kat's mom's security company and search for Yelena. I found her number and called her.

"Hello?" She picks up. The phone makes her voice almost unrecognized with her Russian accent. "Hey Yelena" I say. "(Y/N) you're becoming a trusting agent" Yelena says proudly. "Ah thanks I was wondering how long the mission will take?" I ask nervously. "Well actually (Y/N) I was thinking it's really dangerous….I know I know you have fought me before but Clint called us earlier and told us his panic so he is the only one going on the mission but thanks for making me notice how ruthless I was being" she says sweetly. Man this is heartwarming. "Wow Yelena being sweet never thought I'd see the day" I say with a chuckle. "You're pushing it," she says, returning to her normal tone of voice.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry for telling you this right now" Yelena says "Nah it's fine I get it I'm glad I could help hopefully the mission will be successful" I say. "Ok well if you need anything just call (Y/N)" she says hanging up. I throw my phone on my bed. "Why me?" I start. "Why me?" I yell slamming a picture frame to the floor cracking it sending glass skittering across the floor. 

I stand there breathing heavily as I realize what I've done. "Dammit" I mutter as I try to clean up the broken glass. Just then my door opens. "Watch out" I mumble. The person goes to take a step and I tackle them on the bed. "Watch out I said" I say looking down at who I was laying on top of. 

Clint's Niece (KateXfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now