CHAPTER 2-Book 2

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Later that night I wake up on the couch dazed and confused. A painful headache starts to set in the more I open my eyes to look around. When my vision isn't so fuzzy I get up leaving Wanda laying alone on the couch.

I take my time walking to the kitchen noting every step so I don't slip and fall. I open the fridge softly grabbing a bottle of water and sipping from it as I let myself adjust. The pounding headaches only worsens no matter the amount of water I drink so I give up after drinking 2 bottles.

Walking back into the living room Wanda is awake looking at me from the couch. "Whatcha doing?" She asks.

"I was getting water I've got a pounding headache" I complain rubbing my temples to try to calm the storm in my head.

"Maybe we shouldn't have dranken that much" she says with a small chuckle. I come around the couch and sit next to her. "Nah I'm glad we did" I comment.

"Why's that?" She asks turning to look at me. "Gave me a night off from the obnoxious calls" I sigh.

Spoke to soon..........*Beep Beep*

"Oh my gosh" I say rasing my voice as I snag my phone off the coffee table. I take a glance at the time 2:48. What do they want at a time like this?

I answer it despite my gut feeling. "Hello?" I answer to a quiet line.

"(Y/N) we need your help" Kate pants through the phone. "Mhm? With what?" I ask impatiently as Wanda sits curiously next to me.

"Run in with a different Mafia" she says. "Dude oh my god what so you do in your free time scope out trouble?" I ask.

"Please?" She begs before the line goes quiet again and another voice comes across. "(Y/N) get your ass over here now!" Clint yells making me pull the phone away afraid I may damage an ear drum like him if I don't.

"Hmm?" I hum. "We don't have all day" he comments when the line gets a little to quiet. "Whatever" I answer hanging up without another word. Wanda cocks her head to the side with a look of curiosity.

"They wanted me to help them out with something" I say fueling her curiosity. "It wasn't important" I quickly add to avoid questions.

"He's your uncle come on (Y/N)" Wanda says. "Who's side are you on?" I ask.

"Yours but he's your Uncle" She says making me feel bad for hanging up on him so quickly. "I just- was having a good night with you" I say laying my head on her shoulder.

"Ya but this is more important they don't even have to know it's you do it discretely" she says. Giving me and idea. "Your right" I say springing up from my spot on the couch.

"See I have good ideas" She says with a smile. "Yes you do" I say walking into my room to grab a black hoodie and a black bandana.

I throw up the hoodie and tie the bandana over my face. "Wish me luck" I say as I open the front door leaving Wanda alone. "Good luck" she says as I head out.

(Time Skip 👍)

My pulse builds as I approach the tracked area. Adrenaline kicks in and I grab my cocked gun which I brought  to help aid me in this. I round the corner and quietly move from car to car listening to the grunts of men and glass breaking.

I reach my gun around a car and take clear shots hitting each guy. Guy by guy drops to the ground and I stand up from my crouched position when I am done. Only to hear cop sirens behind me.

"Come out from behind the car!" The cop yells. I gulp down the growing lump in my throat. Only plan don't get arrested. I look for a possible way out but I was corner. Clint and the gang stood curious on one side and police who are going to arrest me for murder are standing on the other. I look above me at the car roof. Only other way is up or down.

I can't dig through the road with a gun so it's up we go. "Come out and drop the weapon!" They yell the voices getting closer as I scramble ontop of the car. When I reach high ground I run.

Jumping from car to car as bullets wizz past me. Yelling grows louder and cars break beneath me. I only stop when I feel a sharp pain hit my side. As much as it hurt I couldn't just stop there and freeze so I ran as fast as I could ignoring how close the bullets seemed and how loud the yelling was.

I finally find a clearing and I was able to sneak through it scaling my apartment building until I reached my apartment. I frantically knock until Wanda appears infront of it opening it for me. "(Y/N) your bleeding" she says.

"Bullshit" I yell slamming my fist angrily against the table. "I was almost arrested"

I sit down slumped in a kitchen chair ignoring the pain and blood the drenches my shirt. "(Y/N)" Wanda says graining my attention. "Mhm?" I ask panting to gain my breath back.

"Lift up your shirt" she says. I do as I was told and revealed the bullet wound. "You got a first aid kit?" She asks.

"Uh I don't know" I answer truthfully and she leaves the kitchen to find one. "Found one!" She yells running back into the kitchen to patch me up.

I can't fight back because my head is pounding and my body is sore. "This may burn" she says before doing anything to the wound. "Mk" I breath.

I yelp when the cool alcohol swab makes contact. "This may take a while" she comments continuing to clean it.

"Alright I'm in for it" I groan letting Wanda do her thing.

(Word Count 1050)
A/N: Hey everyone updates may be flying out randomly because were not going to dinner tonight so I have lots of extra free time.

(Who's your fav Avenger?)
Hope you like the new questions.

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