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A/N: Once again Sexual Attraction

The minute I walk out of the apartment door I feel free no longer bearing any weight on my shoulders. I make my way down the main entrance where I see Wanda waiting for me. "Hey" she says, pulling me into a hug. "Hey" I answered, returning the hug. We both begin to walk. We don't know where we're going exactly but we'll figure it out. "So how's life been you sounded distressed over the phone?" She asks in a calming voice. "I don't know yesterday just wasn't a good day" I answer as I shuffle along next to her. "Really Clint's told me about you" She says. "Wait, he did?" I ask, my face lightening up. "Ya he said you were caring, sarcastic, and determined" she says looking at me with a soft smile. "Why didn't you recognize me?" I am confused because she technically does know me. "I've never seen you in person," she adds. "Ohh" I say exaggerating the O. "Well that's cool" I add as I bounce up and down like a tiny child on Christmas. "So where are we going?" I ask. "Were here" she adds, turning the corner to reveal a pleasant looking restaurant.

"Food" I say as we walk. She chuckles and adds "Yep". We get a table and order and begin talking. "What have you been up to?" I ask now, turning my attention to her. "Well with the Avengers not being together I've had time to figure out my life" she says, dropping her voice so only I can hear. "Do you think they'll get back together?" I ask with a serious look. "Probably you would do good on the team (Y/N)" she says flashing a small grin. 

We get our food and continue talking about life, T.V shows, Missions, random stuff. When we are done we fight over who's paying the bill she won. So I sat there and watched her pay. She looks back at me with a cheesy grin on her face "At least I didn't have to use my powers" she adds. "I guess you're right, Maximoff," I say laughing. "I am always right," she says, stabbing the pen she's using to write towards me. "Hmm is that really true?" I ask to grab my phone out of my pocket and dial a random number. "Let me get my representative" I say pressing the call button. The number rings but no one ever picks up. She shrugs and says "Tragic man he doesn't want anything to do with you". "Hey he loves me, what do you mean?" I ask exaggeratedly. "Come on (Y/N)" She says, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of the restaurant. 

"Ok where are we off to?" I ask as we walk down the sidewalk. "I don't know you got any ideas?" She asks. "Honestly I'm good with walking" I add as we stare into different conversation topics. "What's your favorite color?" I ask a random question. "Favorite color huh" She says stuck. "Um red" she answers. "Why red?" I ask. "Because it's the color of my suit, well it's more maroon but the same thing right?" She asks "You have a suit?" I ask. Despite the amount of fighting I do, I do it in either jeans or sweats. It's not always that easy to move fluidly. "Ya it's actually pretty cool" she says. "That's cool," I added with a smile.

"What was that last night with Kate?" She asks, turning to conversation last night. "Um we were just in a fight" I say not wanting to get into details. "A fight she called you a slut?" She says exaggerating slut. "I know it was a pretty bad fight" I say as my cheer childlike attitude drained. "Ok" she says "I won't push ''. "Thanks" I added as my attitude returned. "I wish Kate would do that, '' I mutter. "We can go see a movie," Wanda says as we come upon a movie theater. "Sure" I say. She grabs hold of my hand and we go into the movie theater. 

(Time Skip)

"I had a lot of fun today" I say, giving Wanda a soft smile. "You're a goofball," she adds. "Was it the random phone number?" I ask as I hold back laughter. "Yes your "representative"" she adds in a professional voice which makes me break out into laughter. "Calm down, I don't want you dying from not being able to breathe," she says. "I already died when I first saw you" I flirt. "Is that good or bad?" She asks as a blush comes to her cheeks. "It was good," I added. "Alright" she adds sarcastically. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and begins to walk away. "Bye (Y/N) I had fun" she says as she pushes open the door to leave. "Bye" I call after her silently. 

I should have asked her if I could stay over because I am in the same situation standing at the door not wanting to go in. Alright 3.2.1 I say quickly pushing open and closing the door as if I was being chased. "You good?" I hear a voice ask from the living room. "I'm fine" I add going into my room. I change and lay in my bed. Wanda's nice. I get up to get something to drink in the kitchen. Before I could get something to drink I was stopped by Kate. "Dammit" I say, trying to push her out of the way. "Please move" I added, pushing at her side. "I'm not moving, we need to talk this out" she says, planting her feet in the doorway. 

"Fuck" I groan. "It's not that bad (Y/N)" she adds. As she finally moves out of the way. "It is for me emotions aren't my thing" I say grabbing a can of soda. "Well there about to be your thing" she says grabbing my wrist dragging me to the couch. "Why does everyone physically drag me around?" I ask. "Because you're draggable I don't know" Kate says throwing me onto the couch. "Can we please not repeat this morning" I say looking up at her. "Ya" she adds quietly. "Ha you're embarrassed" I add slouching back into the couch. "Don't lie you would be to" she says sitting down next to me" she adds. "Would I though?" I say turning to her with a smug grin. "(Y/N)" Kate says quietly.

My smile grows bigger as I jump on top of her to straddle her. "I'm not embarrassed" I push as Iean down to kiss her. She arches her back into my grip as she smashes her lips to meet mine. My hand begins to drift up her shirt mimicking her. "See I'm not embarrassed" I mumble. "If I'm being honest I am quite turned on" I say. I feel Kate's lips curl up into a grin beneath mine. "You're a talkative Top" she adds. "Ehh, who said I was a top?" I say. 

Kate grabs my shoulder flipping me so I am beneath her. I feel her warm hand slip under my shirt exploring my chest. "God your hot" I moan as I hook my arms around her waist and pull her down so she is laying flat on top of me.  Her hand is so close to pulling the shirt over my head so I sit up so she can complete the action. Then we both lay down again. Her head rests on my chest as my arms rest around her waist. We both turn our attention back to the T.V. "I'm not so embarrassed anymore" Kate adds quietly as she nods off to sleep. I grab a blanket that is thrown over the back of the couch and toss it over us. "Good" I add kissing her forehead. 

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