Mission Time

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We all split up and head into the massive base. Me and Kate rushed in before I could step in the way of a camera. She yanks me back. I lose my footing and fall back onto her. "You knucklehead," she silently yells. "What's going on?" Yelena comes through through the coms. "Nothing" I whisper back. "Nothing at all" I say. "Ok" she adds. "Let's move" I say silently to Kate. "No there's a camera they would send everyone at us we would die stupid fuck" she says. "Well I am going" I say walking in front of the camera I hide my face and slowly walk across as if I work there. No alarms or anything goes off. I give Kate a look when I pass by the camera view. She follows my lead and walks till she joins my side. "Alright let's move" I say we both make our way to the security room where all the guards weapons are. "Are you guys there?" Natasha asks. "Yes I am at the panel" I say scanning over the various keypad passwords required. 

"Alright hack it" she gives me the go ahead and I begin to work till I set off the alarm and lodge the door closed enabling us to do this mission without any more force. Guards start coming at us from every direction, me and Kate fend them off till we get the cue to run out of the building. "Hurry up!" I yell into the coms. "Ok! We are still doing the second level" Clint says. "Oh my gosh" I say sarcastically. "You finally talked!" Yelena says proudly to distract me from how long they are taking.  "And now I am not going to talk" I say, shutting my mouth. "Yelena!" They all yell collectively. I don't answer, I just keep fighting.

"Ok we got it you have 30 seconds" Natasha says. "Ok can you monitor the countdown?" I ask as I grab Kate's arm leading her to the closest exit. "Fuck" Clint mutters. "What?" Me and Kate ask at the same time. "They found the bomb and rigged it we only got 10 seconds get out now!" Clint yells. We get to a window and Clint is slowly counting down 5…..4…. "Jump Kate!" I yell smashing the glass with my hand. "No I'm not leaving without you" Kate says with tears in her eyes. "Jump motherfucker" I say, pushing her near the window. 2…….1 "Bye Kate" I say, pushing her out the window. Just then I hear the explosions in the distance and the building's ceiling collapses and my vision goes black. 

"Ugh" I say, waking up and looking towards the bright blue sky. "I lived," I mumble. "(Y/N)?" (Y/N)?" "(Y/N)?" I hear everyone asking. I get to my feet, my legs are shaky and I am unstable. I fell to my knees. "(Y/N)" I heard one last time and it's a shaky voice. It's Kates. It's almost enough to make me cry. "Ya" I answered quietly. Finally feeling the weakness hit me as I fall forward onto the broken crumpled pavement. I feel a sharp pain in my jaw and weakly lift my hand and feel my chin. I pull my hand away and it's covered in red. "Oh my gosh (Y/N)!" Kate answers, her voice sounding relieved. "Please come find me" I beg quietly and weakly. "Please" I beg. "(Y/N) are you ok?" Yelena asks over coms. "No I am going to pass out, find me" I beg more. The coms go quiet and time passes as I lay there my chin and scratched face bleeding onto the broken pavement leaving the pavement stained with red. "(Y/N)!" I hear a voice. I can't answer. I am too tired. I feel my heavy eyelids caving in. "(Y/N) no" I say, hearing Yelena's voice as she kneels near me. She lifts me into her arms. "You're going to be ok," she says. "Ok" I answer weakly as I feel my eyelids shutting. I passed out in her arms. 

I once again woke up in the car. I am laying across Kate and Yelena's lap. "(Y/N)!" Kate yells in the small car. "Hi" I said. I sit up and settle back into my normal seat. My head mildly hurts. They don't bother asking questions. I think they can tell I'm not in the mood. My thoughts are blurry as I sit there in silence. While I would like to ask how the mission turned out I am not ready to listen to the 10 hour long response Clint is going to give. "(Y/N)" I hear Kate whisper in my ear. I turn to face her. We are face to face and our breathing becomes sync with one another's. 

"Don't kiss me (Y/N)" she whispers. I smugly smiled but gave in to her request. I can tell she wanted me to kiss her. Usually I would but like she said it's kind of a secret. "Are we almost home?" I ask tiredly. "Ya we are about 30 more minutes" Clint says as we start driving past places I recognize. "Ok" I answer as I go back to leaning my forehead on the window

Clint's Niece (KateXfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now