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We arrive back at the apartment and we all get out. I have barely enough energy to reach the front door to our apartment. Once Clint unlocks the door I collapse onto the cool hardwood floors. "Get up (Y/N) and let me clean your cuts up" Clint says kneeling down to help me up. "Ok" I mumble, giving in to his grip as he hoists me up and onto my feet again. I make my way to the kitchen counter where I sit. I totally forgot he had a partner till she materialized in front of me. "Wow you're really good at hand to hand combat" she says with a friendly smile. "Thanks" I say out of breath and about ready to pass out. "Who were those people?" I ask as Clint grabs the first aid kit. "There the infamous Black widow assassins Yelena and Natasha" Clint says "There sisters" Kate adds from the living room couch. "Well it's complicated, Natasha used to be a really good friend of mine until the Avengers split up and she joined her sister" he says putting air quotes around the word sister. "Alright let's see, '' Clint says, lifting my chin to meet his gaze. 

"She really did a number on your face" Kate says as she leans against the wall sipping from a bottle of water. "Really how bad?" I ask accidentally, jerking my chin away from Clint's grip."Stay still" he says firmly as he rubs alcohol over the cuts. "Fuck it bruns" I say gripping my hand into a fist. "Here" Kate says, moving towards me, placing her hand in mine. "What?" I ask, looking at her hand out of the corner of my eye. "I know it hurts so squeeze my hand" she says with a smile. "Thanks but I think I am a big girl" I say sarcastically before Clint digs a stitch into my chin. "Fuck" I mutter squeezing Kates hand out of instinct. "See," Kate says with a chuckle. 

"How long is this going to take?" I ask after Clint has dug about 20 stitches into my face. "One more" he says softly. "Ok" I say impatiently. "Kate, can you call in a pizza?" Clint asks as he digs the last stitch into my skin. "Ya sure" Kate says, letting go of my hand and grabbing her phone. "And done," Clint says, putting the last bandaid on my face. "They were mostly small deep cuts. They don't look too bad but your mom might kill me about the scars that will be left on your face," he says laughing. "It's ok I'll make sure she knows we took out some bad guys and saved the world" I say sarcastically as I hop off the counter and walk over the couch.

I flop onto the couch and sit there watching the random T.V show that was playing. "Ok pizza is ordered" Kate says joining me on the couch. "So whatcha watching?" She asks, turning to me. "I don't know," I say. "Well I never formally got to meet you so I'm Kate Bishop" she says sticking her hand out for me to shake. I quickly changed my posture to be sitting up instead of the awkward slouching posture I had. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)" I say, taking her hand and shaking it. Clint walks out with a beer and sits in the green rocking chair. "(Y/N) you can take the guest room" Clint says sipping from the beer bottle. "K thanks" I say returning to the awkward yet comfortable sitting position I was in before.

(Time Skip To When The Pizza Arrives)

The doorbell rings and Clint springs up, opening the door and paying the pizza man. He brings the box to the living room and places it on the table. "Dig in," he says, flinging open the pizza box. "Soo?" I ask turning my attention back to Clint. "So what?" He asks me, giving me a look "What happened between you and the Avengers?" I ask, sitting straight up and taking a bite out of my pizza. "Well where do I start?" He asks himself with a tiny chuckle 

"Wow alright that was a very long detailed story" Kate says laughing. "I don't think we needed that much detail Clint" I add laughing. "Well you asked (Y/N)" he says laughing with us. "Will they come back Clint?" Kate asks, turning the tone of our conversation serious. "Oh.." Clint adds as our laughing comes to a stop. "Yes Kate, they will come back for us. I already know it but we just need to be careful and try to avoid all confrontations" he says "What about me?" I ask "You're in a lot of trouble (Y/N) Yelena won't stop until one or all of us are killed" Clint says giving us a serious glare. "Fuck why did I taunt her" I say slouching further into the soft couch. "Not going to lie it was kind of funny how you made an entrance" Kate says while trying to impersonate my voice. "Hola senorita" I repeat and we all burst out into laughter.

Clint's Niece (KateXfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now