Stay With Me

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The movie has ended and I was now just laying in bed with Kate who is lightly snoring. I slip out of bed trying not to wake her but I fail when I feel her grip my arm. "Stay with me" she mumbles groggily. "It's late and I want to sleep in my own bed please Kate" you beg. "Please" she says, flashing her puppy dog eyes at me. "Fine" I say softly, slipping back into the bed next to her. 

"Can I tell you something?" She asks as she climbs on top of me straddling me. "What?" I ask as I stare back up at her. She leans back down meeting my lips with hers. Her lips are warm with the taste of the stale beer Clint drinks which oddly enough turns me on. 

"Kate-" I groaned in surprise. "What?" She answers in between kisses. "Nothing" I say, giving in to her soft grip. Our kiss goes from soft to harsh as Kate slips her tongue into my mouth making me moan softly. I feel Kate's hand slip under my shirt and up my chest. Soon enough my and her shirts were on the floor as Kate picked up the pace of the kiss with her hand teasing at the waistband of my sweatpants. 

"Beg me" she says sternly as she harshly rips off my sweatpants, discarding them on the floor. I give her a small smirk. "I need you" I beg "Please" I push. "Really?" Kate asks as she places a gentle hand around your throat cutting off some of your air supply. "Yes" I groan. "Beg me" she says once again tightening her grip around my throat. "Please" I moan. "Alright" she says as she moves her kisses all the way down to the inside of my thighs. 

I slip out of my underwear, throwing them to the floor as Kate smiles. "Do you like me as much as I like you?" She asks, teasing me. "Depends" I say smugly. "Depends on what?This?" She asks. She then rams 2 fingers inside of me before I could answer. "Damn" I moan loudly. "Or is that not what you wanted?" She asks, taking her fingers out of me and returning to kissing my neck. "No please!" I whimper. "No, what sweetheart?" She asks, teasing me once more. "I need you" I beg "I need all of you" 

She sits up smiling before shoving her 2 fingers back into me. She slowly thrusts in and out curling her fingers with each thrust making me moan with each one. I was close as my thighs began to tremble but Kate kept pushing, thrusting harder and harder until she hit that spot. I moan loudly as my thighs tremble harder. She yanks her fingers out and trails kisses all the way back up to my lips. "You're close huh?" She asks in between kisses. "Yes," I answered. "Wait 5 more minutes," she says firmly. As I feel her fingers re enter me. 

I moan against Kate's lips. She sits up with that dumb grin on her face as she begins the thrust ruthlessly. My thighs only trembled harder with each thrust. I grip the bed sheets tight as I try to hold it. "Hold it," she says. She finally reaches that spot again. "Ok, go ahead" she says, pulling her fingers out. When I was done with my high. She lays on top of me kissing my neck as I nod off to sleep. "You did good" she says softly like we've been a couple for ages. "Mhm" I mumble as I fall asleep under her weight.

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