My Past

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"I know you might not be in the mood to explain but what do you mean outbreak?" Kate asks as we both stare up at my empty ceiling. "It's all part of my past" I say quietly. "Do you want to explain?" She asks. "I don't know" I mumble, eyes still glued to the ceiling. I feel her take my hand in hers and rub my sore knuckles using her thumb. "Fine" I start "When I was younger my parents were superheros too and the only way they could raise me was if whenever they went on a mission they put me in the Red Room. So with that I spent most of my 20 years in the Red Room. When I finally made it out I came to live here" I explain. Kate stays silent. I scared her, didn't I? "I'm not crazy" I quickly add "(Y/N) I never thought you were crazy" Kate says softly. 

"Oh ok" I say. "What about your outbreak though and being hunted?" Kate asks. I know she is curious but I hate remembering this. "Um when I was in the Red Room I was tested on and one day they did something and I had an outbreak and escaped. I was easily caught since I didn't know the first thing about hiding. I had never run away before" I say. "Kinda like Hydra" Kate says "Ya I guess you could say that" I say

We both lay in silence for a while until Kate says something to break it. "You know Yelena and Natasha took down the Red Room a year ago". "Wait what?!" I say. "They also escaped the Red Room and grew up with a somewhat normal life" Kate adds. "What the fuck!" I yell. I sit up and get off my bed quickly grabbing my computer. "Hey, that's my mom's security company," Kate says, pointing to my computer screen. "You need to work on the security of this website" I say hacking into it to track Yelena. I wanted to have a civilized conversation….tomorrow. I was too sore to fight today. If it came to that.

"What are you doing?" Kate asks when she realizes who I am searching up. "I want to have a civilized conversation. We both have similar backgrounds and I can use that to my advantage" I say as I set the computer back on my nightstand and look over at Kate whose eyes are glassy from tears. "Aww Kate don't worry about me" I say wiping away her tears. "I'm not worth the tears" I say, meeting her glassy blue eyes. "But-I like you" she mumbles in the last part. "Huh?" I ask not to take my gaze away from her. "But you're confident and you have powers-I're strong you fought and escaped Yelena alive for crying out loud we need you think about how your uncle would react if you died and he could have stopped you" she says, which struck an emotional nerve inside of me. "Clint-" I mumble. 

I know he would never forgive himself if I died within his watch but I want to keep them safe. I don't want to sit back and look pretty. "Ya but if I explained why I was risking my life then he would understand...he's an Avenger after all think about all the times he's risked his life for the world" I say breaking my gaze from Kate's. "Ya but you're not one" Kate says "A minute ago you said I was strong and all that crap did you not mean it?" I ask

"No I mean yes I did mean it but (Y/N) you're not an Avenger no matter your background" she says. "I can still stop bad people by being a normal person" I add getting off my bed and walking out to the living room. Clint left a note on the counter which read "Hey guys I went to the grocery store we needed more food for this week. DON'T BURN THE HOUSE DOWN ((Y/N)) Anyways love you both" I toss the note aside and grab my unfinished bottle of water out of the fridge. I sip from the bottle.

"(Y/N) can I tell you something?" A small voice from behind me says. I turn around. "Sure" I say, giving Kate a small smile. "Well um say I have a crush on somebody. How do I go about telling them?" Kate asks. "Crush? Kate Bishop I am no love doctor" I say. "Plus I've never been in a relationship so there's that" I add quietly. I am 20 and have never been in a relationship. That's sad. "Neither have I" Kate says, still standing behind me. "Really? I would have thought you would have been in at least one you had a normal childhood" I say "(Y/N) just because I had a normal childhood doesn't mean I did more things then you" Kate says walking towards me. 

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