Don't Leave Me

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A/N: Did ya like the last chapter? If yes then things go down hill from here.....tragic

I woke up the next morning slightly confused and sore. Then I released what I had planned for today, tracking down Yelena. I hop out of bed which I soon enough realise isn't mine and see a naked Kate wrapped up in the blankets. Oh gosh we fucked last night. I quickly grabbed my clothes and ran into my room avoiding Clint's view. I jump into the shower where I wash off the scent of Kate. I change into a T-shirt and sweatpants and join Clint in the living room. "I looked at your computer this morning, you left it on" He says, shooting a look over at me. "Oh really?" I ask playing dumb. "Ya" he says, getting up and going into my room to grab it. "What is this?!" He yells. "I am going to work this out Clint" I say "We are going to have a civilized conversation" I add. "She's the farthest thing from civilized (Y/N) you're going to get hurt" He yells.

"No I am not" I say confidently "Yes you are" he pushes. "Clint you can come and prove yourself you said you and Natasha were once best friends you can still win that friendship over" I beg him with a compromise. "Fine" he gives in "But you're not going alone, all of us are going". "Great" I say until I realise what that means. I can't hint him into me and Kate. That's embarrassing. I get up and go to grab my stuff when I am met with a sore painful feeling in between my thighs. "Fuck" I mutter to myself. "You good?" Clint asks as I lean over to gain support from the couch. "Yes I am fine" I add quickly. I push past the pain and go into my room where I grab my pistol and extra bullets which I stuff into my pockets. 

"Katherine Elizabeth Bishop, get your ass up!" I hear Clint yell as he gets closer to her door. I quickly push him out of the way. "I got this" I say, opening the door a little bit and slipping into the room, closing the door and locking it behind me. I walk over to Kate and shake her away. "Morning" I say softly as I sit down on the bed giving my pain induced insides a break. "Morning" Kate says groggily as she rolls over. "Come on Kate we have to go" I say, dragging her out of bed and pushing her into the bathroom. "Ok ok I'll be out in a few minutes" she says turning on the shower. "Ok" I say with a soft smile as I leave her room. "Is she getting up?" Clint asks, drinking one of the stale beers that Kate tasted like last night. "Ya" I say "Good" he adds taking another sip from the bottle.

(Time skip 👍)

"I'm ready," Kate says, walking out of her room. "Good let's go," Clint says, grabbing his and Kate's arrow stuff. I grab my computer and track down Yelena to yet another abandoned warehouse. What's up with villains and warehouses? When we get there I am the first one out of the car as I step into the frosty morning air. "Stay here" I beg trying to walk into the huge empty warehouse. "No," Clint says, grabbing my arm and yanking me back. "Please let me do this alone" I plead "I'll yell if anything goes wrong". I shoot my gaze between both of them. Clint's face is straight as he processes the idea and Kate's face is filled with worry as her eyes become glassy with tears. 

"Don't leave me" Kate begs, pulling me into a hug. I then say something I regret. "It was one night Kate it meant nothing" I say pulling away from her. Clint looks at both of us before agreeing to let me go by myself. I smile at him and run to the entrance of the warehouse. It was just then when I felt the guilt of what I said fall on my shoulders. "Damn I shouldn't have said that" I mutter to myself as I walk into the warehouse. 

"Yelena!" I yell my voice echoing off the large empty room. "You again" I hear her say as she comes around the corner. "Ya but I'm not here to fight" I say calmly as I step forward testing the waters on how she would react. "Really (Y/N) what are you here for then?" She asks curiously. "I want to talk" I say professionally. "About what?" She adds sarcastically. "Why are you attacking us?" I add. "You want to know that?" She asks with a tinge of annoyance in her voice. "Yes," I say, stepping forward once more. "You shouldn't be asking me," she says, running up to me. "Who should I be asking?" I grunt as I dodge her attacks. "Both of us," she added. "Both of you?" I ask before I feel a hard force hit the back of my head. 

I woke up tied to a chair. My vision is blurry as I try to look around. "See (Y/N) you're too weak to fight the both of us alone" A voice says. I look up and am met with the redhead which I can only assume is Natasha. She holds something up to my forehead, the cold metal held firmly against my forehead. "I know I am, I came to talk not fight" I add looking up at her. "I want to talk about Clint," I say. "What do you want to know?" Natasha asks. "Why are you 2 fighting?" I say "Honestly I don't know why. I got minimum details about this mission" she adds, pulling the gun away from my forehead and putting it back into her pocket. "You were hired?" I ask "Yes" she says.

"By whom? And why?" I ask finally to get somewhere. "I don't know they just wanted Clint dead" Natasha says. "If you let me go I can help you take down your boss, and you don't have to carry out this horrific mission" I say quietly hoping Yelena wouldn't hear me. Natasha looks at me with a smug grin. "You're just like Clint" she says as her smile mellows out into a soft one. "Is that a good or bad thing?" I ask as a soft smile appears on my face. "Good and bad," she says, chuckling. "Are you guys close?" I ask "We were until this" she says with a painful look in her eyes.

"He misses you" I add which makes her lips curl into a smile. Just then the moment ends when Yelena walks back out. "Что с ней, Наташа? (What's her deal Natasha?)" She asks in Russian. "Она хочет убрать нашего босса и прекратить эту дурацкую драку. Это бессмысленно, это только разъединяет нас (She wants to take out our boss and stop this stupid fight. It's pointless, it only divides us.)" Natasha answers in Russian. "So you want to take down our boss?" Yelena asks in English. "Yes me, Kate and Clint will help you guys" I say. "What will you do in return for us?" She asks with a stern face. "What do you mean?" I ask, my smile dropping into a straight line. "We help you take down our boss and you do something in return for us" She says again. "What do you want?" I ask "I don't know yet" she says. "Ok just come up with something as we do this" I add hoping it wouldn't be something too bad. 

"Alright the mission starts tomorrow" she says untying my hands from the ropes. "Here's the location" she says, taking my hand and writing it down in black sharpie on the back of my hand. "Got it" I say looking up to meet her face. "Don't drop out or you will regret it" she adds as I Leave. "Got it" I say as I walk back out to Clint's car. "I did it without dying" I say proudly. "I'm proud of you" he says as we all get back into the car. 

A/N: Yelena gives in to your request?

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