CHAPTER 4-Book 2

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I wake up slowly. My head still pounding against my skull and my body extremely sore to the point I can't exactly move it. I take in my surroundings quickly realizing I am not home.

"Where the fuck am I?" I call out to who ever is in the apartment. I hear shuffling before someone enters the doorway it's a little to dark to see who it is though.

"Calm down you psycho" the person says as they dry there hair with a towel. "Everyone else is asleep"

"That doesn't answer my question" I comment. "Ok ok calm down your at our apartment, you know old room does it ring any bells?" The person asks.

I take another look around and there right I am in Clint's apartment. "Kate" I state. "Ya?" She asks. Knew it.

I decided to tease her knowing how much she probably missed me. "Did ya miss me?" I ask laying my head back down onto the pillow. "Ya" she answers warily.

"Why do you even like me?" I blurt out. "Because" she answers defensively.

"That's not a reason" I chuckle lightly. "Ya but....ya" shs answers. "I'll be right back" she says leaving my doorway to probably go back into the bathroom.

I start drifting back into sleep before I heard a quiet yelp. I sit up slowly aware that my back was hurting and look down to see Kate sitting on my floor holding her foot. "Uh my bad never actually cleaned up all the glass" I answer awkwardly.

"Bad move on your part" she says peering up at me with a small smile. I laugh a little then get up and get a bandaid. I appear back on the bed and help her up.

"Hold you foot straight" I direct. "It's a little hard to do so" she says struggling to hold her foot straight. "Got it!" I say spreading the bandaid out so it wouldn't be all wrinkled.

"Thanks" she says tackling me into a hug that knocks me over. Kate lays on top of me her arms still in the hug position and her face burried against my neck. I could definitely get used to this. "Why did you come save us?" She asks. "Thought you hated us"

"I couldn't have let you die out there I'm supposed to kill you all" I answer and she lifts her face from my neck to face me. "What?" I ask after a few minutes. "Nothing" she answers returning back to her normal position.

We end up falling asleep like this. I could say I used Kate as a blanket she was very warm but that sounds a little weird.

The next morning I wake up to snickering in the doorway. "Back to your old ways again (Y/L/N) winning over Kate" Natasha says from the doorway. "It's sad that she will never have you" Yelena comments as she walks past.

"What do you mean?" I call after her. I shuffle out of Kate's grasp and leave the room shutting the door lightly. "Yelena what do you mean?" I ask stepping out into the all to familiar living room.

"Don't act like you don't know, that other slightly red head" she says. I think for a minute. "Oh Wanda?" I ask. "Mhm ya she kissed you last night" Yelena says.

"And I thought you snuck through my window and that's it" I roll my eyes. "Nah I got a whole reality TV show" she says laughing.

"Alright alright that's enough" Clint says. "Ya old man said to knock it off" I say.

"That means no more comments (Y/N)" he states. "Sure sure" I say backing up to my room. "Have fun" Natasha comments with a smug smile.

Heat spreads across my cheeks and I turn disappearing back into my room I shut the door behind me and peer back to the ground squinting hard to try to see the micro peices of glass I missed.

"Having trouble seeing?" Kate asks throwing me my pair of glasses I am supposed to wear but never did the entire time I was here. "Haha" I laugh sarcastically putting the pair on which immediately fix my messed up vision.

"Here let me help" she says climbing off the bed and kneeling before the mine field of glass. "Thanks" I add kneeling down next to her.

I crawl over to the small trash can that sits next to my bed grabbing it and taking it back over to where we sit. "This will probably help us" I say handing Kate the small trashcan.

(Time Skip 👍)

After an hour or two I wasn't keeping track we finish picking up every atom of glass also helped me forget the fact I'm being hunted by police.

"What is Clint's plan to help me out of this mess?" I ask turning to Kate. "I don't know" she shrugs.

"He probably doesn't even have one" I say annoyed. "Your probably right" Kate agrees.

I turn to her with a smile and she does the same. We stay like that for a little longer just sitting and staring. "Can I k-"

"Kate, (Y/N) I figured out a plan!"

(Word Count 873)
A/N:Well oof

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