CHAPTER 7-Book 2

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After time well spent with Kate she was called out of my room by Clint. Of course. She smiles at me before she goes and I smile back. Now I'm alone in my room bored.

I scan my room looking over everything I've ever owned and finding nothing interesting to spend my time doing. I lay back in my bed admiring the white ceiling.

It not fully white it has it's spots but most of it has faded a little to a dusy dirty greyish. I sigh rolling over to grab my phone. I turn it on to see millions of updates from this news app I have even known I've had.

I unlock my phone and look through them.

Masked assailant fou.....

Identity of masked assa.....

New updates about.......

There all about me......I pause for a moment taking in the amount of updates from this app. Our run.

How does that work do they plant police everywhere hoping to find someone who matches my eye color or what? Suddenly my heart starts beating a mile a minute as I scroll deeper and deeper into this mess of notifications.

No one ever looked shady at the coffee shop. Or maybe I wasn't paying attention and they saw us on our actual run. Whatever it was I was in for punishment and not just from Clint.

I swear every moment that went by felt like an hour I thought I kept hearing knocks on the door but it was only my imagination. As night slowly but surely approached I felt calmed they haven't found me yet. YET.

I knew Clint wasn't about to feed a criminal so I laid hungry and tired in bed. I was about to fall asleep but then I heard a knock this wasn't one of my fake imaginary knocks it was real.

I could hear muffled voices in the living room then footsteps. My window was locked so I jump up and start undoing the laches right as I hear the door knob moving I leap out closing the window behind me and I duck outside of it.

I try to calm my breathing but whenever I heard footsteps coming closer I'd hold it. "Right here sir" I hear a voice. Then the window shoots open and I push myself up against the wall as hard as I can holding my breath. "No ones out here sir" a guy says closing the window.

I let out a huge sigh and pull myself away fron the wall. The wall left imprints on my arm. I sit there thinking about what would have happened if they actually caught me.

But it was a little to late because. Light flooded over the balcony and there I was sitting in the middle of it. Clint had the biggest smile on his face as he said. "Right here officer".

I stare up at him with rage. "Just throw your own niece under the bus huh I helped you" I yell before edging towards the edge of the balcony. "Guess it wasn't enough" I say with a smug smile.

"Peace" I say before jumping down. I begin to run to the only place I can think of Wanda's house. I knew they'd be on my tail so I'd take the long way. I weave through allway after allway just in case someone had been following me.

Then I reached Wanda's house I knock on it frantically and she opens it with a confused look. "I'll tell you when we get inside" I breath tackling her inside the house and slamming the door. I begin shutting all the windows as if we were in so zombie apocalypse. "What is it (Y/N)?" She asks.

"There after me" I say. "I know who to blame...Natasha"

"Why?" Wanda asks slightly confused. "She took me on a run this morning without warning and now I am being hunted Clint probably told her to do it" I explain. "Which means he told Kate to push me into doing it.

That realization hits me hard. Wow she really thought I was dangerous. I thought she was on my side. Always asking me about plans. It was all a scam for Clint it use my weakness against me.

I can't go back now. "Can I just stay over for a day I'll figure something out for tomorrow" I ask.

"Sure that perfectly fine" Wanda says. "Thanks" I say starting to relax.

Wanda gives me the guest room and flop onto the bed. Once I fall asleep my phone rings. I roll over picking it up. Unknown Number.

Wonder who it is. I am bored so. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey I'm sorry" she says.

"No I'm sorry I trusted you" I say when I realize who it is. "He's using the secret identity against all of us" Kate explains.

"Like a blackmail?" I ask. "Yes" Kate says.

"See he's not a good person" I say. "Ya I guess you were right" Kate agrees.

"Is this phone call tracking me?" I ask suddenly aware of this plan too. "No I am calling from a different phone" she says.

"Good" I state. "I'm bored"

"Same" she sighs. "Where are the police right now?" I ask.

"I don't know Clint has all the tabs on them" Kate says. "Of course he does" I sigh feeling hopeless.

"I just want out of this mess" I say. "I want you out of this mess too" Kate says.

"Love you"
"Love you"

(Word Count 929)
A/N: Clint being a little villian OoOoO

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