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"You did a number to that guy out there" Yelena says taking a step towards me "Mhm and I'm about to do that to you" I say letting anger control me. This feeling reminds me of how I felt when being trained in the Red Room. Straight anger and fury. Our mission was to kill and that's what we did. "Really?" She asks with that stupid smug grin on her face. "Ya" I say, gritting my teeth, feeling my eyes burn with fire and fury. 

A stupid smug confident smile spreads across her face again. What was she planning here? I take a step forward and she also does. I am within reach to punch her so I take my chances. I close my eyes and punch as hard as I can. I feel it connect when I open my eyes. Yelena is on the floor. "Wow you're strong (Y/N)" she says as she brushes off the punch. I don't speak another word and just move up gaining ground until I have her cornered. 

I begin to unleash my punches but she counters causing me to duck and cover. Now she has me cornered. She takes out her knife and slashes me, making a thin but deep cut on my lower arm. "Fuck" I say as I punch her sending her into the wall across from me. "Shit" I say trying to calm myself down. Yelena lays there only staring back up at me. She is just as surprised as I am. I take this as my opportunity to escape and quickly grab my stuff out of my locker and book it to our apartment. I tie some of my boxing tape on the cut to hold the bleeding.

It seeps through making the snow white tape maroon red. I enter the elevator where I try my best to calm myself down. I haven't had an outbreak like that in years. I just have to calm down. No one wants to see that side of me. When I make it to our door I pull out the keys sticking it into the lock. I rest my forehead on the cool wood door before opening it. 

I twist the key and push open the door. "(Y/N) there you are" Clint says with somewhat of a tinge of worry in his voice. I turn around revealing the dark red maroon tape. Kate's and Clint's eyes both land on the tape as I walk over to the fridge grabbing water out of it. I sit down at the table with them and try to ignore their stares. 

"What are you staring at!" I yell. "You're bleeding! What happened?" Clint asks sternly "I caught my arm on the loose wires of the ring" I say. "(Y/N)..." Clint says I can feel him throwing eye daggers at me. "Fine!" I snap "I was attacked by Yelena again and something happened" I say slamming my fist on the table. "Is that what you wanted to hear!" I say as calmly as I can. "Let me clean you up," Clint says, already holding the first aid kit in his hand. "No" I say, getting up from the table and walking into my room. "(Y/N) get your ass back out here right now" Clint yells in an annoyed voice. I didn't mean to annoy him. "Ok" I say, making my way back out to the kitchen table. 

"What happened?" Clint asks softly as he removes the tape and some of my arm hairs in the process. "I had another outbreak Clint. It happened again" I said, meeting his gaze with my worried one. "(Y/N) hey it's ok" Kate says, grabbing my hand to comfort me. "No" I say, pulling away. "It's not ok I haven't had one since my time in the Red Room" I say. "Calm down (Y/N) this is their plan to make you so mad you have an outbreak and become hunted down again" Clint says as he finishes patching up my cut. "You're going to be ok," Kate says in a reassuring voice. 

"You need to rest, you've had too many fights" Clint says. "Your mom would kill me if she saw you like this," he adds. I nod my head and make my way to my bedroom where I collapse onto my bed in pain. My entire body is sore. I crawl further on to my bed until my head is resting on my pillows. I look up to see Kate standing in my doorway. "Hey, I thought you'd need a buddy," she says softly. My body calms down as I sit up and pat the empty spot next to me. She smiles and walks in and sits next to me. I lay down and she lays down next to me.

A/N: OoOoO you and Kate finally getting some alone time.

Clint's Niece (KateXfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now