Adrenaline Rush

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A/N:This is a filler chapter 👍

I wake up around 3:00 and toss on sweats and a white sports bra accompanied by a black hoodie. I quietly walk out into the kitchen and write a little note so when Clint and Kate wake up they don't panic. "Hey guys just want to let you know I went to the gym SO DON'T FREAK OUT (Clint) if I'm not back by the time you wake up I'll be back around 7:00am :) Love ya both" I then place the folded piece of paper on the counter and grab my gym bag and quietly open the door, shoving the keys in my pocket after I lock up the front door.

I slip the hoodie on and toss the hood up over my head and start walking to the gym that is 10 blocks from here. 

I make it to the gym and head into the locker room where I spin the code they gave me into the locker. I toss my unneeded clothes and stuff it into the locker taking the tape,  my headphones and my phone with me. I walk back out and tape up my hands so I can warm up on the punching bag. I put the headphones on and started playing my music. 

The first song that comes on is Teeth by 5SOS. I silently mumble the lyrics as I recite my techniques in my head.

Right, left, forward jab, uppercut

I continue to do that for a while until I am warmed up. I walk to the ring and I can see a guy eyeballing me. He walks up to me "Hey wanna spear?" He asks with a smug smile he thinks he is going to win but what he doesn't know is I was trained in the Red Room. "Sure," I answered confidently.

We walk into the ring bare handed. He smiles and a guy from outside of the ring is the ref. "Alright touch gloves" he says sternly. Me and the guy bump fists and back up into our corners. The guy from outside the ring rings the bell officially starting the match. 

The guy comes forward confidently thinking he'll easily over power me but his foolish confidence gives me the upper hand. I get closer and punch him reciting the technique right, left forward jab, uppercut.

He is inexperienced so I take that as my cue to finish him. I let the adrenaline take over me and I strongly jab until the guy hits the mat. He looks up at me with a sore but surprised look. I flash him a small smile as I walk out of the ring and spray a stream of water into my mouth. 

I look down at my phone 6:46 shines across the phone. I start making my way back to the locker room but am stopped when I hear a familiar voice. 

"I tracked her here," says Yelena. "Fuck" I mutter quietly as I try to sneak past her only to be caught. "Ah (Y/N) there you are!" A voice says from behind me. I flip around and put on a confident smile "Ah we meet again Yelena" I say 

A/N: Another run in with Yelena. Your in for a fight.

BTW:I worked on this entire story in a google doc so I could proof read and get a everything right which is why I can updatr this story so quickly.

Anyways have a good day 😁👍

Clint's Niece (KateXfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now