CHAPTER 1-Book 2

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A little over a year ago I left them. I fled because I didn't belong. Find myself missing them a lot the comfort of home. Everyday there is a new text added the the barrage of texts I never check from either Kate or Yelena. I mever check them emotions get the better of me so I never do. I leave them to pile up.

My phone rings and the bright cheery music and bright light floods into my dark room. I roll over with a groan grabbing my phone. Wanda's name is spread across the bright screen. I sigh and pick up.

"Hey Wands" I say putting on the fakess impression of happiness. "Hey (Y/N/N)" she says her cheery voice making me smile.

"What do ya need?" I ask. "Maybe we can meet up tonight get a drink?" She asks.

I pause to think risking my entire underground hiding place to get drinks with Wanda. Sounds good to me. "Ya sure what time?"

"I'll pick you up" she says. "Alright sounds good" I answer. 

"Ok cya tonight" she says hanging up before I could get out another word. I sit up from my bed nest. I take a deep breath before getting put of bed and walking into the bathroom where I shower and get ready. Something I haven't done in a little.

Once I was done with my shower I looked around my very sad depression house and decided I'd clean up my act put myself together and forget the past. It was harder then it seems because after a few minutes of organizing I fell onto the couch defeated by my own house.

I check my phone endlessly for the next few hours until a knock on my door pulled my from the couch. "Hey Wands" I say pulling the door open for her to come in.

She smiles "How have you've been?".

"Um well...." I stutter letting her figure that out herself. "Not very good" she sighs.

"Sorry I fell into-" she cuts me off. "No your fine I understand" she affirms. "Now come on lets go have some fun"

She takes me by the hand and pulls me out of the house and down the street or the local bar. We order our drinks and sit down. Just then my phone starts to ring.

"Hey your phones ringing" Wanda points out as I come to sit down. I roll my eyes looking down at whoever decided to ruin the perfect night.

"Them" I mutter. Avoiding the call and shoving my phone into my pocket. "Anyways I'm sorry about that how have you've been?" I ask

"Good you know I was finally able to live my life free of the Avengers which I miss at times" she explains.

"You had to work with Barton that had to be a nightmare" I chuckle. "Ya well he wasn't as grumpy a few years ago then he is now" she laughs.

"Uh I think he has always been grumpy" I laugh taking a sip of my drink. "Mm" Wanda hmms taking a sip of her drink to.

We sit and talk for a few hours getting so drunk we could barely keep from laughing every few seconds. "Let's get home" Wanda says through laughter. I smile. "Alright"

I throw myself against my apartment door opening it for the both of us. We stumbled in barley making it to the couch before we pass out cold.

(Word Count 622)
A/N: Should be smooth sailing from here 😎👍

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