Chapter 17 - Happiness

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Warm rays of sunlight flowed through the windows directly falling over the omega's closed eyes, making him release a long whine as he proceeded to hide his face, feeling the hard yet soft textured surface under his face, rising and falling.

Taking a deep breath Taehyung smiled when the woodsy scent of mahogany and fresh scent of citrus invaded his nostrils making him again take a deep breath before he turned his head away from the sunlight before he blinked his eyes looking around realizing that he wasn't in his own room.

Pouting, he raised his head up gasping when he saw the alpha still calmly asleep having his tattooed arm wrapped around his petite waist making him blush.

Just staring at the older male made butterflies swarming in his tummy as he thought about last night and the way Jungkook didn't even glance at his body laying his hands on him was something that was way further than it seemed.

He was told he was respected and he had a choice over his own body, something he didn't expect to happen last night, he thought he'd be touched even when he didn't want to be and would get marked.

"Thank you for everything my alpha…" he whispered as he let out a quiet giggle before his gaze landed on the tattooed bicep. He shifted a bit to a clear look of the art carved on the skin but immediately stilled when he felt the hold on his waist tightening.

Minutes passed by as Taehyung made no movements not wanting to disturb Jungkook's sleep, he rather stared at the tattoos from where he was laying noticing the scars that were peeking through the slight gaps between the patterns inked on the milky white skin.

Now when he does notice it Jungkook had quite a pale skin just like his mother while he got his facial features from his father both having the bunny like teeth in common, though he hadn't seen Jungkook smile much he knew how adorable the older looked while smiling.

Jungkook was nothing like he expected his mate to be, his teacher— well now his former teacher had told him that his alpha mate would be dominating and controlling also might have low anger tolerance so he needs to be quite and not anger his mate not only that alphas get stressed immediately and look for sexual pleasure and he should always be ready and keep himself pretty to look invitable.

He was told that nothing like love would exist, it's just something to show and not to feel— it's abstract and alphas have no love to give in the first place, they are tough and cold hearted.

So far, Taehyung didn't see any of those qualities in Jungkook, rather the older one was kind and patient with him and keeping everything else aside he wasn't even interested in touching him without his consent— Jungkook somehow knew that Taehyung wasn't comfortable.

This made Taehyung's heart flutter as he blushed scarlet red, he got comfortable and stared at the alphas sleeping face for a while before looking back at the tattooed had analyzing it, there was only one coloured tattoo between all those and that was a eye with blue iris on his forearm.

Honestly, he saw this tattoo quite a few times and thought that it would be related to him but when he asked Namjoon about it the pack leader had given him a completely vague answer and then proceeded to say Jungkook was irrational for getting tattoos.

A pout molded on his lips as he looked outside of the window squinting his eyes when the sunlight poked his eyes, yet he kept looking at the clear sky with white clouds moving.

But soon after a few minutes his vision was covered as he heard a slight tsk sounding from the alpha.

"Should have closed the blinds last night…" Jungkook yawned looking down at the omega seeing the younger look up at him with his blue eyes shimmering and hair looking as if shining in golden hue with the sun rays falling on them, "good morning, baby." He said.

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