Chapter 20 - Vlog

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As Jungkook promised they were actually moving out of the pack house within just the span of seven days, Jungkook has been hurrying around to buy stuff for their new home from appliances to furniture. Everything was being brought new and of course Taehyung had joined Jungkook's quest.

Afterall it's their new home.

The omega roamed all around with Jungkook not even being in a different place without his alpha, he followed him to the office to shop things for their new home, they went to restaurants to eat, they were barely in the pack during those days.

It has been so new and exciting for Taehyung to actually roam around and experience a life he never did— his fear just seemed to vanish also why would he even fear?

His alpha was always around him with his hand on the small back of his assurance his existence around him.

Taehyung visited to see the plot and widened his eyes seeing the spacious plot with a balcony and three bedrooms one of them being the master bedroom which would be their room and two vacant comparatively small rooms which Jungkook informed him would be office room and his art room respectively.

Now they were packing their things, actually it was just Jungkook packing because Taehyung barely had anything to pack for himself as he sat on the bed looking around at the cardboard boxes piled up around the room while Jungkook was standing in the closet folding his t-shirts and stacking them up in a different box.

"Taehyung-ah! Look what I found!"

This is the sixth time Jungkook had found something and got distracted by it, the cuteness of his alpha made Taehyung giggle as he looked at Jungkook who had his eyes crinkling with his smile stretching over his lips holding a pendrive.

"What's this hyungie?" Taehyung asked, seeing Jungkook shuffling around to turn on his laptop and inserting the pen drive in the base of the laptop, seeing something load before the alpha took his seat on the bed.

"This is a vlog kinda thing me and Namjoon had made when he got his first phone and made a bunch of your videos when you were young because Joon hyung just loved filming you!" Jungkook laughed as he waited for it to load and get transferred in his files so could relive those memories of the five year old Taehyung to a seven year old Taehyung.

"So wait I'll call Joonie hyung too to watch it with us!"

And before Jungkook could stop Taehyung the younger had sprinted out of the room and came back within minutes dragging Namjoon with him, making the pack leader sit on the bed while he climbed over Namjoon's lap leaning against the alpha's chest.

"What's this?" Namjoon questioned as he saw a dark screen being paused over Jungkook's laptop.

"Hyungie said that it's some vlo- vo- uhh?" Taehyung scrunched his nose, poking Jungkook to explain it to Namjoon.

"Vlog things you made when you got your new phone." Jungkook answered as he played the video biting down his bottom lip seeing a teenager Namjoon showing up with his crooked teeth smiling at the camera.

"So hello to Joon's daily vlog where I would film my pretty munchkin who is the prettiest boy in the world!" The teenager Namjoon winked at the screen.

"Agree! Agree! Agree!" A fifteen year old Jungkook jumped on the screen, his arms around Namjoon's neck as they both bantered right over the screen.

"It's not about you bitch! It's about my baby!"


And there the screen moved to the five year old Taehyung who had clutched over Jungkook's legs looking up at his hyungs while he chewed on the sour candy strip.

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