Chapter 13 - Sapphire

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Through all the three days Taehyung had with himself to teach manners or whatever he wanted to Jungkook went waste because not once did he actually have a conversation with the older, he tried to have a conversation with the older but he was always ignored or brushed him off with just a few words.

He couldn't just understand what was exactly wrong with this certain hyung, the alpha restricted him from touching him and if not more it just added to his confusion.

Was the alpha diagnosed with haphephobia?

But then he has seen Jungkook in various interviews and shook hands with people and also let everyone around the pack house touch him. Then why was told to touch the alpha, also the way the older has been avoiding him all these years- there were tons of doubts he had about the certain alpha.

Now he was wide awake as he stared out of the window, the sun rays were barely peeking out of the thick clouds, the snow of yesterday night melting away slowly.

"Such a meanie that hyung is, not even once let me talk to him after calling me his friend, he is a bad friend! Also a very confusing one." Taehyung whispered to himself because his mother was still asleep next to him, he glanced at the clock seeing it was 7:51.AM so he closed his eyes taking a deep breath waiting for the glimpses to show up.

The blackness slowly faded to gray almost blinding his senses before he saw a hand extended out for him, his eyes were later focused on face that he knew very well, those onyx eyes seemed to stare down his soul while the person's lips were tugged in a frown, his black hair was long brushing against his shoulder blades with strands effortlessly laying on the sides of his face, his jaw was defined and sharp and eyes seemed to be narrowed.

While more of his mate was observed he saw him wearing just a black cape leaving his well defined body all bare, his legs covered with equally black pants with chains hanging off it's sides, his neck had a thin silver chain around his neck with a gem hanging off it- a sapphire stone to be more precise.

And then everything again faded back to blackness leaving him with a thundering heart and tingling skin along with the alarm tune going off, he slowly opened his eyes all the light around blinding his senses he took a deep breath trying to fill air in his strained lungs.

"Taehyung, are you awake?" Jihyun questioned a yawn leaving her lips, as she turned towards her son seeing tears pooling in her son's eyes as he let out a sob before embracing her in his arms.

"Eo-eomma I saw hi-him, I sa-saw him..." Taehyung sobbed as he buried his nose in his mother's neck wanting to ignore the woodsy scent along with fresh citrus.

"Shh, I know. I know. You should consider yourself as lucky to have him as your mate. He waited for you all these years, stayed away from you, even when he was hurting and kept you as his priority. You should be thankful to Moon Goddess Taehyung." Jihyun said tears slipping down her own eyes as he placed a chaste kiss over Taehyung's forehead who was still crying in his mother's hold clutching on her tightly.

The more Taehyung thought about his glimpses the more he couldn't actually believe his mate had always been around him and he didn't even know about it and judging his mother's words it was clear that she knew about it- his mate might have already told everyone that they are mates.

Regret seemed to dwell in his heart as he thought about how he indirectly said that he didn't want a mate like Jungkook, his mate must have felt so bad about his words and Taehyung let out a sob trying to numb the guilt that spread in his heart.

Minutes went by and Taehyung stopped crying as he sat up wiping away his tears, his limbs were trembling as he thought about the face that he saw in his glimpse and realized that they have a quite long age gap between them.

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