Chapter 38 - Swig

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The evening was crisp and windy, the kind of weather that reminds one of winter but isn't actually winter, it's just so perfectly cold yet it doesn't make one shiver rather it's relaxing and calming.

The busy streets of Seoul especially around this time (seven to eight in the evening) are the busiest times when all the people working around are off work, accommodating themselves in the restaurants or dinner houses or just around the stalls which sell street food, especially around the stalls actually.

It's no lie, there is just something so different about street food, it feels way better eating around the stall standing in a paper plate with toothpick poking through the soft and chewy tteokbokki cooked with the savoury buldak sauce.

God, that's perfection and fishcakes along with it just adds more to it.

And since Taehyung knows the old lady, being her regular customer since the past year he gets a little extra serving always, she is really a sweet lady and the omega often gives her extra money being playful about letting the old woman take it as a tip as they do in restaurants and in return for his remark he gets a soft swat over his head.

"That's unfair, I wanted extra serving too." Jungkook licks his lips as he tosses the used paper plate of his in the trash can still enjoying his own, because of course he had got an extra serving.

"Don't pout." Taehyung giggles before he pokes the wooden toothpick in the still warm piece of tteokbokki and blows air on it before feeding it to Jungkook.

"I wasn't." Jungkook pokes his tongue out to lick the sauce over his lips, chuckling as he rests his back on the wall behind him and right beside the stall while Taehyung was eating his serving of remaining pieces of tteokbokki and half of a fishcake.

Apparently, this is how their date for today started and as Taehyung promised  he was the one paying for the street food and previously also paid for some mandarin tea they brought from one of the shops.

It was kind of new to Jungkook to see Taehyung like this, the omega was more confident now not caring about the looks he received anymore and the way his face lit up everytime he paid for them was something so adorable and admirable at the same time.

Another thing that was yet again a first time for Jungkook is seeing Taehyung in a skirt, he obviously looked heavenly in whatever he wore but just seeing him in a skirt for the first time did make the alpha's heart slingshot right to his throat.

To give a whole outfit run out, Taehyung wore a crop flowy shirt which was oversized that made him fold his selves so they down just hang of his hands and had purposely the omega had left his top two buttons unbuttoned leaving his collarbones and gave a glimpse of his cleavage was paired with a brown skirt that barely reached his mid thigh with white sneakers.

Jungkook wasn't a prevert, no he wasn't but he accepts that he did stare Taehyung's legs a bit longer than a not-so-prevert person would.

And when Taehyung caught him and fucking smirked at him— Jungkook had this extreme urge to bang his head against a wall. He really should maybe.

He was weak man for his mate, very weak, so he stared at Taehyung while the omega enjoyed his meal, he noticed Taehyung had some make-up done too, shimmery power rose gold thing they applied on eyes, Jungkook really doesn't know shit about make-up except the fact lipstick is a cosmetic they apply on lips— that's it, that's all he knows— and some nice earrings he wore, hair permed curling around his forehead making him look ethereal.

"You're beautiful." Jungkook's comments, reaching out to tuck the stray blonde strands behind the omega's ears smiling when the younger leaned to his touch.

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