Chapter 19 - Feels

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"You wouldn't be registering Taehyung for university, I don't allow this."

A sigh of defeat was exhaled by Jungkook as he rubbed his face, closing his eyes briefly to gather his wrecking patience before he again looked at Jihyun who had her eyes narrowed on Taehyung while the younger kept fiddling with his feet.

"But aunt, I promise to make sure of his security and safety," He stressed out his words again, gaining lady's attention clenching his jaw when he still found her reaction unbothered, yet he explained again, "I would be the one to drop and pick him up from the university and would arrange guards around the campus of the Uni." His voice sounded strained now and he was barely holding himself from bursting out.

All this argument or discussion was leaving Taehyung in guilt as he sat besides Jungkook on the dinner table while his mate was desperately trying to get permission from his mother to send him to university because apparently her signature would be used to be his guardian.

"Listen Jungkook it's really not necessary—"

"If you don't have something to say in my favor Namjoon then I prefer you shutting the fuck up!" Jungkook shot a heated glare at the pack leader, seeing Namjoon just avoid his gaze.

"Jungkook, I agree with Joon, with everyone here." Seokjin sighed giving Jungkook a pitiful smile.

"Not you too Jin hyung." Jungkook's shoulders slumped as he stared at his so-called family members who weren't even trying to get his view through. "None of you guys think that Taehyung has the right to live a normal life? Go to university and have friends enjoy his youth?"

Jungkook expectantly looked at Hyuna wishing that at least she would support him because he knew she had a different perspective than this whole packhouse. Whatever teachings he has ever received about equality is from her, he proudly admits that he wasn't brought up by his own parents but Hyuna because his parents were too busy to look after the pack.

But seeing Hyuna avoid his gaze made his elated hopes crumble into nothingness.

"For having a normal life he needs to be normal which he is not, you get this right?" Areum glared at Jungkook, "he is the rare male omega, your mate. He should be around you and doing his duties of being your mate not be a reckless uni student. What if he loses his head? Falls in love with someone else because his mate is ten years older than him? I don't trust him." She said out all her words after she was quiet from the start her words made both Namjoon and Jungkook to clench his jaw while Jihyun just narrowed her gaze on Taehyung.

"I agree with Areum, what if his heart falls for someone who is not you, Jungkook? He must already be pondering over the fact that the man that is a decade older than him is his mate." Myung raised his eyebrow staring at Jungkook who seemed agitated with his jaw clenching.

"You see what's happening Taehyung? It's just Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Jeon for now later the whole pack would develop these disgusting opinions about you? Didn't I tell you not to talk stupid things about going to university? Are you not obeying your mother now?!" Jihyun growled at the omega male who immediately flinched at his mother's harsh words, eyes immediately pooling with tears.

"I-I'm sorry, eomma." He sniffed tears falling down hearing a low growl from his mate which made him look up at Jungkook.

"I don't get all of you and now Taehyung is my responsibility. If you don't want this guardian aunt Jihyun, I will and I don't care about you all anymore anyways I'm moving out of this damned house in a few days." Jungkook sneered his glare being darted to all the house members before he stood up from the chair looking at Taehyung. "Get up, let's go." Saying this he walked off the dinner table hearing pats of steps following behind him making it clear that Taehyung was following him.

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