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Sicheng had stromed at him in a way that he could hug Doyoung's waist, meaning he had to and also did pull apart the way the older was clenching his arm, the action also made Doyoung Open his fist in surprise. And because Sicheng didn't hold back it pushed Doyoung a bit backwards, having been half run over.


Completely at a loss for words Doyoung looks down, seeing Sichengs figure which hugs him. The closest someone has been to him apart from when having sex, but even then he never felt any such sincere affection like in this moment.

„Why are you..... just carrying... this with you.. silently!", Sicheng sobs, voice breaking in between a bit because of that.

„Doyoung... you really are a lost cause sometimes you know that? But we still love you, no matter what.", Taeyong also says, as Doyoung looks up at him he notices his older brother is also crying, coming closer to hug both of them as well.

„But, how can you trust me! Didn't you hear what I said? I manipulated and still am doing so! I even used you most of the time, Taeyong! And made sure WinWin was afraid of me or disliked me, so he would stay away from how corrupt I am, from me.", Doyoung sobs, his heart now starting to break more and more. Their unexpected actions hurt him so much more than rejection, because he can't even forgive himself, yet how can they forgive him?

Taeyong answers, „Doyoung, I've known you for a while now. You never cried in front of us, not even when getting hurt badly. And you said you're afraid to show weakness, yet it's exactly what you're doing right now."

„How could we not... trust you... Doyoung? You're our brother!", WinWin adds.

Simple, short words, yet they mean the world to the middle brother and shatter him completely. He's not blood related to them, he's an adult now, has to find work by himself soon. They could just give up on him, break off contact or judge him for his actions which honestly aren't the most innocent or righteous ones.

Yet here they are, wanting to still take him into their family, for five years now, have never given up on that maybe one day he would open up to them and be ready to accept their help, their kindness. And become part of the family.

„What has been done is past. What matters is what you decide on wanting to do. I now get why it seemed like your mood changed so often.", Taeyong combines one and one, letting go of the hug to look Doyoung in the face. Sicheng continues to hug Doyoung, not wanting to let go at all. And somewhere, Doyoung also wishes he wouldn't.

„Back when I wanted to pick up Win and Johnny talked with me, his words were the worst and made me return back to where I started."

„What did he say? I mean, you even told me to be careful around him, something in that direction.", Sicheng asks from the back, rather talking towards the wall or into Doyoung's back.

„It was just insults, yet it sounded homophobic and judging, next to the part that he said things that threw me back to the past. I don't want you to take that part of his personality from him, you're too sweet and caring for that Win. I kept you away from me because I want you to remain sweet and gentle, to not influence you with my bad traits."

Hearing that, Sicheng can't help but hug Doyoung even tighter. He had felt it from time to time, that the older did care for him, yet let himself be frightened when there was no reason to be. Doyoung just acted cold and a bit rough, yet never actually had hurt or insulted him really.

Thinking about it now and knowing everything, Sicheng does feel a bit dumb somewhere but also feels like laughing, at how he could let himself be tricked like that.

And Taeyong is just relieved, that his efforts have paid off. He had hoped that one day, Doyoung would open himself up like that, and they can take one more step closer to becoming a real family. It was always Taeyong's wish and intention, ever since they adopted Doyoung, that he will feel accepted and wanted, as a part of this family.

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