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„Doyoung, you can open your eyes again. We've arrived, it's fine.", Johnny's voice pulls the other out of his thoughts which consist of basically just wanting to leave again, as he's embarrassed and scared in more than just one way.

Yet being called by his name he is a bit positively surprised, also let's go of Johnny now instantly, since the taller doesn't like skin contact to him or just contact in general. But Johnny doesn't seem to react fast or harsh about the fact that Doyoung held on so long, getting off of the motorcycle calmly, then standing next to Doyoung who still has his head lowered.

He speaks, „Come on, are you really that scared? Man it's weird seeing you with your head hanging so low. Want me to help you down?"

To Doyoung's surprise the older talks calm with him, not as mocking as he thought he would, making him lift up his head to look at Johnny.

„Don't look at me that shocked, did you think I was making fun of you just now? I just didn't expect you to be scared of it, it caught me by surprise."

„Oh....... Sorry."

„Don't apologize again, there's no need for it. Have you always been like this, so insecure and shy? Because if you wouldn't be right in front of me I would never believe you could be like that."

„Like I had said, don't think you know me just by seeing one side of me.", Doyoung answers, taking off the helmet now and giving it back to Johnny who just puts it on the handlebar.

„Can you get down or...?"

Doyoung doesn't answer the question, he knows he can't walk with the heels right now because his legs are shaking and weak. So he just takes off the shoes, still on the vehicle, then tries to get off, almost falling as his feet touch the ground.

„Are you sure you want to walk like this? Your socks will get dirty now. And the shoes once you get in again.", Johnny asks, wanting to help Doyoung yet since he caught himself he stopped as well.

„I'm fine. Just a bad day for those heels, I should have worn boots if anything. I don't care if this gets dirty, I can always wash it."

„And here I thought you care about your looks."

„I do, if I want and need to. Else I don't. And you're here with me not for the reason of me looking good, but seeing how I really am. I mostly care about my looks because of others but since we're somewhere with a green space I don't think it's somewhere with a lot of other people."

„How interesting, also you're smart. You're right, we're at the end of the city and not many people come here. I don't know if you will like it but I like to come here, it's a nature park basically, with a pond. I like to come here since it feels calming and is mostly quiet, next to the sound of birds or a few cars."

Doyoung listens to him with attention, even though the older had expected him to not care that much, yet Doyoung takes in the information as if it was gonna be one of the most important things he'll ever hear.

Also, now that Doyoung is looking up he can see that the place Johnny has brought him too is absolutely stunning. It's a lot of nature and green, but well taken care of, flowers on some spots, the colors vivid, a few trees, the water slightly glittering in the sunlight.

„I should have known about this place earlier and come here as a child...", Doyoung mumbles as he looks around, he started moving towards the lake on his own without realizing it, Johnny following the fascinated person who seems to have returned back to the state of a little boy for now.

„What?", Johnny asks, not having heard that well what Doyoung mumbled, yet the younger already has started walking fast, just dropping the shoes on the way as he starts running, towards the lake.

Fearing Doyoung might jump in Johnny follows, grabbing him by the arm, „Don't jump in, it's too cold for that. Slow down for a second, you're running around like a little child who finally is allowed to go outside."

Johnny might slightly chuckle a bit while saying that, not meaning it in a mean way, yet Doyoung turns silent before answering.

„I wasn't about to jump in... also, is it wrong for me to feel like a child for once?"

„No. If that's what you feel like and want to then so be it. I was just surprised, I'm sorry if I hurt you with my words just now.", he answers, softly, surprising Doyoung once more.

„Then... since you said it's too cold now... is it allowed to go swimming in here?"

„Usually not...", Johnny admits, feeling like he'll make Doyoung sad now since he sounded so excited.

„Alright, good to know then. That doesn't change the fact that it's beautiful here though."

Johnny is a bit surprised that Doyoung's mood didn't change even just one bit. Yet through this he got an idea on where to take Doyoung out to next time. That and the fact that he both wants to meet up with Doyoung again, with the version he's experiencing now, his true self, as well as that he probably should leave the motorcycle at home for the second meeting.

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