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„Doyoung, I know I somehow should be used to your clothes but may I still ask what you're wearing there?", Johnny asks, trying to somewhere keep a giggle to himself but also confused.

Once again, Doyoung couldn't just wear simple bathing shorts. Nope, he had to take a self designed bathing suit, one which, surprisingly, hides quite a lot of Doyoung's body. It's almost like a bathing suit mixed with a dress, the best way to describe it.

„Something I designed myself, leave it. I'm not showing off skin for once, aren't you happy about that?", Doyoung answer, though he does feel kind of embarrassed that Johnny had to mention it.

In fact, he only decided to wear it because he suddenly felt so shy to show his body to Johnny, didn't feel comfortable about wearing just trunks, as he originally had intended to. He wanted to be normal, yet just couldn't bring himself to get over that embarrassment.

„You know you probably can't go on slides like that?"

„... I'll take that if I have to.", Doyoung answers after shortly being silent, while Taeyong and Sicheng now also join the two, they took a little longer to change and find the place Doyoung and Johnny picked for their towels and more stuff they brought.

„Something the matter?", is the first thing the youngest asks as he notices right away that Doyoung's mood seems somehow sad.

„Doyoung just didn't seem to have thought about his cloth choice a lot. I don't think he can go on slides like that."

„I'll survive without...", Doyoung pouts again, his embarrassment Meter has reached a high point by now anyways.

Especially since his brothers sent him to find a place with Johnny. Who, as expected, doesn't wear a shirt, it's logical why but to Doyoung it's just his death and pure gay panic.

So he has been avoiding closeness and eye contact for the whole time, the fact that Johnny is sometimes noticing that and trying to get his attention then or getting closer to him is not helpful at all.

„But you were excited for them just yesterday and the days before though.", Taeyong joins in while passing them since he wants to put down his things, even if it seems like an unintentional comment, he knows exactly what he's doing.

„Taeyong!", Doyoung yells, it may sound a bit mad but it's mostly Doyoung's embarrassment speaking.

Johnny can't help but laugh once again, Doyoung feeling like he's just embarrassing himself, by now wanting to just leave again, it's torture, way too much teasing.

„Come on you pouting something. I'll go buy some trunks with you if necessary, else I'll drive you back home to get some."

„You have money with you?", Sicheng asks, surprised.

Johnny can only laugh again, „Of course, just in case. And because I somewhere expected something like this from Doyoung."

„Are you judging him again?", Sicheng warns, to which Johnny only pats his head with a smile.

„Don't worry, I didn't mean it in a mean way. There's nothing to worry about, I don't blame him for anything right now or mean harm."

„Then why does it feel like you're being mean Johnny?", Taeyong asks, even Johnny can tell that it's not meant seriously.

„God, now I'm getting all this teasing back! Fine, I'll let Doyoung breath some more. It's just hard to not tease him when there's an opportunity."

„You do that with everyone! Get rid of that damn habit of yours!", Sicheng protests.

„Never.", Johnny answers simply, as he starts to walk away from the two brothers, pulling Doyoung with him whom he took by the wrist.

The younger of the two has absolutely no idea on how to react to the, even if meant for a reason, sudden touch, something he thought Johnny would want to avoid at all cost.

„Ah wait wait wait wait! I-It's okay, I'll walk, no need to pull me!"

„Who knows, you might run away. You don't seem very fond of the idea of wearing simple swimming trunks after all.", Johnny argues back, Doyoung getting the point somewhere, yet still not giving up.

„I won't, I won't run away, I promise!"

After those words Johnny seems a bit more convinced, now letting go as Doyoung quickly pulls his arms back.

Silently they both walk towards the shop at the entrance of the park, however it's not an uncomfortable one, at least for Johnny.

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