Pure Vanilla Cookie X Introvert! Reader (Unexpected Find P1)

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Requested by: mxry_loves_dsmp

Part 1 of 2. Tbh, I'm not particularly happy with this this. The amount of words is barely the minimum I push myself to write, and there's barely any interaction in this part whatsoever- I feel like I'm letting you guys down in some way, by presenting you this basically unfinished thing. But part 2 will come in the future and hopefully complete this!

I hope you will enjoy anyways!



You're a cookie with magical abilities. Dark ones, but magical after all! Dark Enchantress Cookie has tried to get you to join her team, but you have refused, running away and hiding in a small cottage deep within a dark forest. A lone place you now call your home. But hey! At least there's no other cookies around. Or that's what you thought- One day, while looking for more ingredients for your potion-making you stumble across a cookie passed out in the middle of your domain. What will you do?

Reader's POV

Ah, yes! Another day of me, myself and I!

Oh, and my adorable, little kitten Crook of course!

Today's plan was to venture out into the forest and look for more herbs and berries. I wanted to make more potions from them. The potions were mainly good for healing or adding positive magical effects.

Since my own magical powers evolved around the darkness and were only good for bringing harm (a trait I tended to dislike about myself) I figured practicing a non-magical type of medicine and healing might be a good thing. To balance myself out and such.

So in case I ever met another cookie - which I doubted - they hopefully wouldn't be as scared about me.

Heh, only thing was: I didn't really plan on meeting other cookies anyways. That one involuntary conversation with Dark Enchantress Cookie and Dark Choco Cookie was already enough 'social' interaction for the next couple MONTHS!

I felt pretty fine by myself, really. And if I ever wanted company, I had my lovely Crook by my side, always ready to join me for cuddles at the fireplace.

Anyways, as of right now I was draping my dark cloak over my shoulders and pulled the hood over my head.

"Ready to go, Crook?", I asked my black kitten, as I picked up my empty basket.

Said adorable critter looked up at me from his spot between my feet, mrrp-ing happily in agreement.

A smile spreading across my face, I opened the creaky door of my small hut.

Outside, Crook and I were greeted by the overgrown clearing we called our home. It looked like it wasn't tended to very much, but every shrub and plant that grew here has been planted by myself in a fitting spot.

This way I had the most important things right outside my door at all times.

Enjoying the sweet and heavy scents of the numerous types of plants, we wandered across the winding path into the dense forest.

As soon as we reached the trees, their trunks surrounded us like soldiers standing guard and their deep shadows fell over us like blankets.

Something was odd today. The forest's aura felt different than usual.

I heard my kitten climb a tree. Only moments later he jumped onto my shoulders, his tiny paws clinging to the fabric of my cloak. His whiskers twitched, while he watched the area around us with big round eyes.

"You sense that too, don't you bud?" I cast a side glance at him. "The forest is upset."

Only question was: Why?

And did I want to find out or not?

I decided to go on with looking for the herbs I needed, like I intended to. Wether or not I would stumble upon the reason for this shift in the forest's aura or not, was something I left up to fate to decide.

And fate decided that I haven't been social enough this week, because I DID find the reason only a short amount of time later.

I was just about to pluck some patches of purple moss from a stone, when an unusal bright shape caught my attention.

It was a little further down the path.

Crook saw it too and leaped down from my shoulders, running over to the mysterious thing.

I put the moss into my basket and followed more slowly.

Weird, normally everything inside this forest has a dark or dull color. So this bright something definitely did not belong here, judging by its creamy white and golden colors.

As I reluctantly walked closer, I had to suppress a gasp.

This wasn't just a thing! It was a cookie!

A cookie passed out in the middle of the pathway.

A pretty stranger with golden locks and a gentle face. Everything about him appeared oddly peaceful, despite the fact he was knocked out cold.

Further curious inspection revealed why he had passed out: His bare feet were covered in blood and dirt, making me guess, that he had run until over exertion had claimed its price.

But what had he run from...?

And what the hell was I supposed to do with him now?

I threw a confused glance at my kitten, who was sniffing the stranger's waffle cone shaped hat. Crook tilted his head, and returned my gesture with the same confusion.

"What do we do now?" I voiced my mind. "Do we just take him  home...? Is that even okay? Or would that be kidnapping? Oh god, what do we do??"

Crook keeps giving me a look, that says: "Why are you asking me? I'm merely a kitten, it's not like I'm gonna answer -"

So the decision was all on me. Great. I'm bad with decisions.

On the one hand  I wanted to help the stranger. But on the other, I didn't want to lure whatever he had been running from to my home.

I contemplated. And sighed, letting the good side of me win.

So I cast a floating spell, that carries the stranger for me, as well as his ominous flower staff, that I noticed just then.

Back home with my kitten I went, the unconscious cookie in tow.

So much for 'me myself and I', guess I'll be having a guest for the next couple days now...

(To be continued...)

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