Lilac Cookie X Fem! Ballerina! Reader (Innocence)

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Requested by: VanaTheDevilishAngel

I know this took me forever- Hope you enjoy! ^^

(Also, thanks for the helping suggestion with the plot!)


You're a ballerina working for a group of travelling performers. To boost up the income, your group leader hosted a special event concerning you. Cookies could buy lottery tickets from your group and win the chance to meet their best and most valued dancer in person. Which was you. The meeting however, didn't exactly turned out as... Friendly... As you thought it would.


"Don't you dare do it." I snarled quietly into the stranger's face.

His piercing lavender eyes stared right into mine, their glare just as cold as the sharp edged metal of his round weapon pressed against my throat.

A nasty, but elgeant looking circle of deadly steel - Chakrams is what these types of weapons are called, I believe.

"My group knows it was you, who was last allowed in here. They'll immediately link you to my death." I maintained the eye contact to the best of my abilities.

Halfway hidden behind a veil of satin, he dared crack a tiny smile.

"Oh girlie... They may know it was me, but they will find no traces of me, actually proving their point. They will never find me again. Only the faint scent of lilac's~"

I couldn't help but cringe at his statement, despite being literally cornered against one of the poles that keep my private tent up and standing. Its wood pressed against my back in an uncomfortable manner, but I was unwilling to let him know about this.

"What in the witche's name do you want? Have you won this lottery ticket to meet me?" My hands grasped the wood behind me, although holding on to it, granted me nothing but the prickly sensation of splinters in my fingertips.

His eyes gleamed shortly, when I asked this and he leaned a little closer, the heavy sweetness of lilac scent flooding my senses.

"Yes and no.", he mused, "Let's just say I'm here for a little... Chit-chat."

I raised an eyebrow, but otherwise kept a flat expression. "With a literal death threat held against my neck?"

Now he pouted.

"Who said you were gonna die?"

"Oh, I'm not sure. I just have this hunch, you know..."

Sarcasm dripped of my voice, thick like syrup.

He didn't appear to be fazed by it however, much to my own dismay. But he got very serious all of a sudden.

"Enough with the banter." He threw a quick glance over his shoulder towards the entrance of my tent, before directing his attention back to me. "What is your true profession?"

I scoffed. "Being a ballet dancer - the best one might I add - for this travelling group, duh!"

I describe a vague gesture with my arm, that was supposed to show of my dancing outfit and pointe shoes, which were currently resting on my sleeping mat, ready for my next performance tonight. If I ever got to it, that is.

"That's not all there is to it, I know it-", he insisted.

I roll my eyes. "And what makes you think that?"

"Wherever you and your group go, there seems to be unfortunate and sudden deaths happening: Accidents, assassinations, poisonings. I have good reason to believe, that these occurences are connected to your group, since they always seem to take place in your close vicinity! "

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