Headcanons #3 Dark Cacao, Dark Choco And Affogato)

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I have gathered a bunch of random Headcanons for a bunch of random Cookies. Enjoy this mess! ^^


Dark Cacao's favorite tea is Black Tea! Unsweetened of course.

Dark Choco's favorite tea is Green Tea.

Since Dark Cacao abstains from eating anything sweet, he raised Dark Choco to be the same as soon as he was old enough. Ever since Choco got banned by his own father however and he joined the cookies of darkness (cookies of dankness, lol), Choco allowed himself to eat sweet things again every once in a while. And he likes it! In opposite to his dad.

Before Affogato Cookie became royal advisor, he was a wandering healer.

Affogato never learned how to physically fight. His only defenses are his poison and concoctions.

As a royal advisor he has a lot more tasks than just lending advice. He also has to:
- organize the castle staff like servants and cooks and stuff (the soldiers and watchers are only his responsibility when the king is unable to do this himself)
- be a personal healer for the king
- be a personal servant for the king (which also includes doing household chores for the king if he's to busy, or preparing a bath for him etc.)
- have several entertainment skills like playing an instrument, singing, dancing, acting,...
- function as a private teacher for the king's offsprings/ heirs

Affogato takes about 15-20 minutes for his skincare routine every morning and 10-15 more minutes to apply his make-up.

Despite where he lives and the climate he should be used to by now, Affogato still gets cold quite easily.

Dark Choco doesn't know how to play an instrument, but he adores it when someone else can. Especially when they play it for him and sing to it. His favorites are piano, acoustic guitar and ukulele.

He prefers slow and gentle or cheerful songs, because some of them distract him from his thoughts and problems or they bring him back at least a little bit of hope.

He might be to shy to ask someone to play, but when they do, he's either the first one to sit with them and listen quietly or, when he doesn't know if it's okay to join or not, he'll quietly stay around a corner, where he can hear it, but doesn't bother the one playing.

Dark Choco is very, veeery quiet and and keeps to himself alot. Mostly because he lacks self-confidence and is/ has always been a naturally shy character.

But ever since he grabbed the cursed sword and shit went down, he believes that he doesn't deserve a lot of things anymore and he punishes himself by denying himself access to those things. Things like this include hobbies he used to enjoy in the past, physical affection, emotional comfort, hecc! Sometimes even medical attention or specific foods!

So, naturally he is crazy touch deprived and secretly longs for affection, but again: Because of his self-punishment, he doesn't reach out for it anymore.

If someone deliberately starts offering him what he desires and manages to coax him into accepting it and that it's okay, he will slowly and reluctantly accept it. And then he doesn't want you to stop anymore. But he won't ever say it out loud or complain when you stop.

You can really tell when he enjoys something you're doing for/to him, because he'll stop whatever he's doing, hold still, subtly lean into your touch and on rare occasions even close his eye.

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