Headcanons #2

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1) Red Velvet isn't one for sugar horses. Instead he rides on a huge red cake wolf.

2) You know these backpack-like thingies you can carry a baby in? That goes in front of your chest, but you can also have both hands free? Yeah. Red Velvet has one of these. For Chiffon. And Chiffon only.

3) Poison Mushroom loves taking naps after lunch! Preferably together with someone else. Most of the time Licorice or Dark Choco volunteer to do so. Licorice, because he wants to catch some additional Z's after studying necromancy for most of the night (a common occurrence). Dark Choco, because he can finally rest for a while without getting plagued by countless nightmares. Something he's only capable of doing, when he's with someone he trusts, who also knows how to calm him down.

4) Dark Choco never lets go of a hug first. He'll always wait for the other to be the first to pull away. It's unclear if he's trying to give you the comfort you need or if he's just touch starved. (Like me, lol)

5) Dark Choco is -surprisingly- an excellent cook!

6) Licorice also can kinda cook. He usually follows cooking tutorials from a very specific YouTube channel: "You Suck At Cooking" Here are some example vids of that channel:

7) Licorice also tends to threaten people in weird ways. Once he sent Pomegranate Cookie the following video, trying to be threatening:

8) Licroice likes to call things anything BUT their actual name/term. For example, if he asked you to make him a cup of tea he would say: "Hey, (Y/n), could you severely accelerate some water molecules and unleash the haunted souls of a tea bag into it for me? Thanks!"

9) Another one for Licorice! He's incredibly gullible! Once he asked Pomegranate how honey was actually made. She told him very seriously and with a very straight face, that honey is obtained by squeezing it out of bees like juice. (Poor bees) And Lico believed her! To this day he keeps calling honey "bee juice".

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