Dark Cacao Kingdom (Rebellion Of The Red Flame P1)

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The winds were harsh and cold, just like the expression of the soldier, who was pushing his sugar horse to its limits.

The poor animal had been urged to traverse difficult terrain at top speed for hours. With snowflakes piercing its and its rider' s skin like icy needles. Its rider felt guilty for rushing it like this, but he couldn't allow it to rest just yet.

He had urgent news for King Dark Cacao Cookie. News that needed to be delivered as soon as possible.

Thankfully the grand bridge leading up to the Black Citadel was already in sight.

A few more canter jumps of his horse, and its hooves were clattering over the Bridge's black bricks.

A guard by the gate heard and poked their armored head over the wall to see who was there.

The soldier hadn't even reached the halfway point of the bridge, nonetheless he already started shouting.

"Open the gates! I bring urgent news for the king!" To underline his statement, the soldier held up a badge, signaling his task as a messenger.

Recognizing the badge and the uniform of his fellow comrade, the guard dissappeared from sight, hurrying down the wall to open the hefty gate, that was protecting the entrance to the Black Citadel.

It was barely opened wide enough and the rider on his horse already barged through. He shouted a quick phrase of gratitude before leading his mount to the stables, where it could get some well deserved rest.

The messenger jumped down from the poor animal, dropped the reigns into the hands of the stable hand and hurried off again.

He hurried past the servants busy in the courtyard, who hastily made way. The way into the throne room - the Hall of Dignity - was a blur. The next thing he remembered was kneeling down in front of his king and bowing his head.

His majesty King Dark Cacao Cookie was an imposing cookie of great strength and resolution. The dark fur around his shoulders made him seem even broader than he was and the spiky crown only added to the intimidation factor. Along with the serious face framed by long strands of raven hair.

Even though a couple nobles, Watchers and two members of the king's guard were present, the throne room was silent, allowing the king's voice to resonate loud and clear.

"What news do you bring, soldier? Speak."

The soldier took a shaking breath, steadying his thoughts before speaking.

"I bring news of a possible rebellion within your kingdom, your highness."

A wave of gasps swept through the Hall of Dignity. A rebellion? Who would dare such a thing? Who would dare to oppose the king?

Some of the present nobles started whispering among one another, worry evident on their faces. The atmosphere shifted into tense territory.

The king however was not phased by this at all. He calmly asked the soldier.

"What makes you state such claims?"

The soldier took another deep breath.

"There has been a violent infringement in the village of Whiterun. A group of twelve cookies clawd in red have assaulted the six local guards, overpowering them. They then proceeded to rob each shop in the village, vandalizing each house. They lit a giant fire in the market square and left a foreign flag."

The king hummed in thought, disgruntled by these news.

"What about the citizens of Whiterun?"

"They all escaped unharmed, your majesty. All citizens fled to the nearest military outpost, which is where I was stationed. They told us what had happened and showed us the flag. I was ordered to inform you immediately."

"I assume you brought aforementioned flag?" King Dark Cacao Cookie questioned, stroking his chin in thought.

The soldier nodded in confirmation. With shaking hands, he pulled out a rolled up cloth from his bag. It was of a vibrant, crimson color.

"Show me." The king demanded.

The soldier rose from his kneeling position and unrolled the cloth, revealing the flag's design.

Painted on the red background was a winding golden dragon, breathing a flame.

As he did so, a slip of paper fluttered to the ground.

Another round of whispers rolled through the throne room. Again, the king ignored them, his violet eyes darkening as he stared at the dragon on the flag. The his gaze darted towards the paper on the ground.

The soldier dared not to move, as his majesty guestured for one of his guards to pick it up and hand it to him.

A soon as the paper was in his hands, he read it, of course. His face paled ever so slightly as he did. Besides that, nothing, not even the twitch of  a muscle, gave away his discomfort about the message.

Eventually he hastily crumpled up the paper and stashed it in a pocket somewhere in his coat.

"Thank you soldier. Leave the flag here. You are allowed to take a rest in the Citadel's barracks. Eat. Sleep. And stay here to await my next orders." King Dark Cacao ordered.

The soldier breathed in relief and bowed. "Thank you, your highness."


With a wave of the king's hand, the flag was taken from the soldier, who bowed again before leaving. Glad that this uncomfortable moment was over.

After he had left, King Dark Cacao immediately called for his royal advisor and all watchers as well as high ranking military officials to discuss this matter of a potential rebellion.

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