Headcanons #1

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How the cookies of darkness would act if you took them grocery shopping-

Pomegranate: She'd be the one in charge of the cart and the shopping list. Will constantly ask you to go get things. Mostly ignores everyone else but you. Will occasionally let you get an item that's not on the list, if you ask politely.

Licorice: He will let you push the cart, so he can snoop around the shelves for himself. He would make sure not to loose you however, because he'd get slightly anxious amidst so many strangers all by himself. Will constantly return to you with items, that were not on list and ask if he can have them.

Poison Mushroom: They looooove to sit inside the cart and giggle whenever you make a sharp turn. They tend to look around curiously and talk to everyone, offering them Shroomies. Also insist on you giving them every item so they can be the one to put it into the cart.

Dark Choco: Will let you decide wether or not you want to push the cart. He will stick to you and the cart wherever you go. Is very silent in public, because he feels awkward with so many people around. Never asks if he can have something, but will intently stare at it until you notice.

Red Velvet: Basically lets you do all the shopping, so he can hang out in the pet aisle. WIll attemp to pet and play with any cake pup/ dog he sees. Helps you with carrying the bags tho.

Strawberry Crepe: Lets you push the cart. You have to search for them constantly, because they keep running off to snoop around. In opposite to Licorice, they don't care if they loose you or not. Don't even ask if they can have something or not, they just put it nto the cart when you're not looking.

Dark Enchantress: Insists on pushing the cart herself unless it gets too heavy and you have to convince her to let you do it. You're both keeping it chill and have an unexpectedly good time. She likes to chat a lot when in public for a mundane reason. Keeps asking you if you want or need anything. You carry the bags for her.

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