Headcanons #7

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1) I like to think that long hair and elaborate hairstyles are symbols of social status and honor in the Dark Cacao Kingdom. Meaning: The higher up you are in the social/ political hierarchy, the longer your hair is allowed to be.

2) That being said, logically the king is the one with the longest hair and no one is allowed to let theirs get longer. In fact, it would have to stay a couple inches shorter at all times.

3) Doing anything to the king's hair - be it intentional or accidental - like cutting a tiny strand off or spilling something onto it, without his consent, is considered extremely disrespectful and disgraceful and can get you into serious trouble!

4) I think we made it clear, that hair is viewed as something very special. It became a custom in the Dark Cacao Kingdom to cut off a small strand of your own hair and gift it to someone else as a special promise to return to them or see/ meet them again in the future. Especially warriors like to perform this gesture for their wives to promise their return from battle.

5) If a Dark Cacaoian makes a mistake or does something shameful (E.g. accidentally do a social taboo thing or loose a duel or something), they will sometimes cut some of their hair off to show their shame as a way of self-punishment. The shorter they cut their hair, the worse the "sin" feels they've committed.

6) This is also the reason why Dark Choco Cookie cut his hair right after the "Sword Incident". To acknowledge and punish himself for his "Fall from Grace". Of course he immediately regretted what had happened and felt nothing but shame, which led him to cutting the majority of his hair.

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