Clingy! Strawberry Crêpe + Reader (Get Better Cuddles)

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Requested by: dumb_phr0g

Even though I'm not quite happy with the ending, I hope you'll enjoy! ^^



"What is it?"

"Let me play Fortnite!"

"No, you're sick dear. You need to rest. Besides, Minecraft is a way better game."

"Nawwww! Then let me at least stay with you!"

You sat down the sheets you're folding across in the other room and sighed.

"Like I said: You're sick. You should stay in bed."

You turned your head towards the doorway. There stood Strawberry Crépe Cookie, your little patient. They had caught the flu the other day and now it was your assigned job to care for them until they were back to full health.

A pout graced Crépe's features and they crossed their arms.

"But staying in bed is boring!" Their blue eyes held a protesting glint.

"That might be. However it will get you back to health quicker than gaming."

Crépe mumbled something under their breath and stared at the floor.

"What was that, dear?" You tried your best to stay calm and patient. You had to learn the hard way that arguing and strictness didn't work at all with the child. If anything, it only made things worse.

So you kept your cool and didn't let their attitude bother you.

Crépe didn't want to answer your question though, so you asked again.

"I just... Don't want to be alone all the time...", they finally mumbled.

You walked over to the short cookie and crouched down in front of them.

"You want company, buddy?"

Instantly, the child huddled against you and put their arms around your neck. You smiled softly and accepted the hug.

"I want you to stick with me.", Crépe mumbled into your shoulder.

You noticed how much heat radiated from their small body and placed your hand on their forehead. It felt hot; their fever had risen again. Or it was because they were still tired. Either way, they belonged in bed.

"How about this: I'll be with you, but we cuddle in bed, alright?", you suggested.

"Yeah... Cuddles sound nice...", they murmured in return.

Just by the sound of their voice and how they clung to you, you could tell the child was getting more tired again.

Smiling to yourself, you picked them up and brought them back to their semi-messy room. Shelves with mechanical parts and big ass blueprints lined the pastel pink walls. Their bed stood in a corner by the window, beside the desk, which was also cluttered with blueprints and such.

You brought Crépe over and placed them in their bed. When you tried to straighten up to pull the covers over them, they didn't let you go however. With their arms still around your neck, there was nowhere for you to go. You tried again anyways.

"Stay...!", was the immediate response.

"Alright, alright. Just let me get out of my slippers."

Getting out of those and climbing into the bed beside the child proved itself to be difficult however, with said child still clinging to you. You didn't mind however. After all it was merely a sign of attachment. And sick children need someone to attach to, who takes care of them.

Eventually you had managed to wiggle into a comfortable position beside Crépe and pulled the covers over the both of you. Crépe rested their head on your shoulder with a satisfied smile and snuggled you like an oversized teddy. You smiled as well and put your arm around them.

It was comfortable and warm under the covers, even if you were a bit to tall for a child's bed - your feet were sticking out over the  bottom edge. But that didn't bother you at all.

When Crépe's breaths beside you turned slow and even, you slowly started to drift of as well. Nobody would notice. You could always finish the laundry later. 

Just a couple minutes won't hurt...

If it wasn't for that loud ass knock forcing your mind back to reality.

You jumped in your spot and stared at the door, which you forgot to close. Instant regret kicked in, when Pomegranate stood there, clearly unamused.

Her ruby eyes shot angry lasers into your direction. "I hope you don't plan on sleeping on your duties."

Her dry remark left you unbothered, your brain still to drowsy to note the seriouness or possible reprecussions of the situation. 

"In case you forgot, I was told that watching over Strawberry Crépe is my duty today. And as you can clearly see with your laser eyes, they are right beside me. So basically, I am following my duties.", you muttered tiredly before shuffling into a more comfortable position.

While you lazily closed your eyes again. She spat "Well, enjoy getting sick then!"

She left. 

You smiled in satisfaction, glad she let you be. Now to your nap!

Crépe snuggled their head closer to your neck, sighing in their sleep. You allowed yourself to slip away into the realm of sleep, not even considering Pomegranate's last words...




An unknown amount of time later you opened your eyes again. It was still bright outside, so you figured it couldn't have been more than maybe a few hours.

You felt groggy, but well rested now. Crépe was still clinging to you, producing lots of body heat. They were like a minature heater.

You snorted quietly at the thought.

As you strechted with relish, the conversation you held with Pomegranate, while half asleep, replayed in your head. Her last sentence especially.

And then realization hit you like a freight train.

You litterally cuddled with a sick child. There was a high chance of you getting sick now too.

Naturally you wouldn't mind so much, since it meant some chill and lazy time for yourself. Maybe even with Crépe together. But Pomegranate wouldn't give you any time off. She would force you to work even when you're sick. You knew that. And hated her for that.

But there also wasn't much you could do about it. Except complain about it together with Licorice in front of poor Dark Choco, who would have to listen to all of it.

So far you weren't sick yet. Maybe you'd be fine?

But what if not?

Well, you guessed you'd take that hurdle on when you got to it.

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