Dark Enchantress Smut ABCs

934 16 6

Suggested by: Princess_Monika_57



She'll leave it up to you if you're not too exhausted and kindly ask you to get her a drink. Are you way too tired, she'll get the drinks herself. One for you included!

Body Part

She's very proud of her horns, because yes: They're real horns and not just a "head decor".

On you she adores your face, because it's so fresh and youthful to her. She showers it in kisses regularly.


Really, really hates  making a mess or leaving stains, a very cleanly woman. Will probably lay down an extra towel to prevent it.

Dirty Secret

She's very dominant and likes to instruct you to massage her in certain ways to get her in the mood.


She's very experienced and a good teacher too! Doesn't mind if you don't have any, since she makes up for it.

Favorite Position

She loves riding and grinding on you. Will let you be on top too though, but only if she's the one giving commands.


Doesn't need guidance at all. Will be the one to give all the guidance you need. A good teacher in bed.


Shaved. Completely. Will ask the same of you.


She's a big fan of classical romance things, like candle light and scented candles or an incense. Likes to set the mood for you through decorating the room.

Jack Off

Miss Enchantress has great discipline and doesn't do it. She still thinks it's sexy if you do it with her in mind when she's not around.


Mommy Kink (she's mommy >:3), BDSM, Usage of Toys, Edging you


Either her bedroom, the bathtub or her office. No buts. As the leader of the COD she can't afford her image getting stained.


An evening spent with you is the ultimate way for her to end the day in a pleasant way. Especially during a nice hot bath.


Letting you take the lead or even worse: Getting tied up.


Prefers receiving, so she can lean back and enjoy the skills she taught you.


She likes things nice and sensual. No rush, enjoy the moment while it lasts~


No. Please don't do this to her. She likes to enjoy things and a Quickie doesn't offer the opportunity for it.


Doesn't like taking risks herself. Small ones are okay, but not big ones. Is okay with you taking risks, as long as you consent to it.


She lasts 2 rounds. ^^ Which, together with edging you, add up to an hour and a half.


Y e s. She loves using a wide variety of them on you. >:3


Our mistress is a big, big tease! But she does it with style, so you can't even be mad at her.


She has herself perfectly under control. That way she doesn't get very vocal, aside from praising you. Has the skill to make you even louder in return~


As a mistress she expects you to have a certain amount of discipline and obedience.




Despite her age she's still very active and durable! Wants to do it with you a healthy amount of 2-3 times per week.


After getting all cleaned up and having a nice drink she likes to have a little conversation with you about how your day's been. Never falls asleep before you.

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