Headcanons #6 (More Dating Style!)

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Because yes! >:3


Pure Vanilla

- shy and innocent bean UwU
- blushes a lot
- will definitely be the submissive one
- practically worships his lover
- his love language is quality time
- loves to surprise his SO with picnics in his orchid garden and self made snacks
- loves holding hands for no reason, he just wants to be connected with his loved one
- is a little clumsy when it comes to kissing, because he can't see that well, he tends to miss his lover's mouth and  ends up kissing either the corner of their mouth or the tip of their nose
- so, if he wants a kiss, he'll hug his SO or cuddle them and ask for one
- oh yeah, he loves to sleep in with his lover, or lounging around with them lazily in general, of course with the added cuddles
- has a ring to propose with, but is too scared to do it
- sometimes he sneaks away from his royal duties on purpose, just to be with his love
- of course he will heal them with his powers when his SO is hurt
- when they're sick however, he will drop whatever he's doing until they're healthy again, will stay by their bedside, treat them, fullfill their every wish and cook for them
- his SO is the only one he opens up to about his own worries, be it about his eyesight or social problems

Licorice Cookie

- a prickly boyfriend
- his mood swings tend to irritate his lover sometimes, especially when they're directed at them
- he starts arguments sometimes, when he misunderstands something, but always apologizes when he realizes he is wrong
- then again, he rants a lot in front of his SO and adores them for their patience and will to listen to him
- feels comfortable enough with his SO to share his insecurities with them
- he'll probably want to keep his relationship a secret at all costs
- loves to stay up late with his love to just chill and have deep conversations
- since he is so much into death and stuff, he has tried to communicate with ghosts together with his love at least once (No Ouija boards of course!)
- the perfect date for him is a ghost hunting trip!
- is touch deprived, so he tends to be a little clingy
- loves to receive physical affection  (although he'd never admit it out loud)
- BatCat hates being bathed and Licorice struggles to do it alone. It's always a little bit of an adventurous task when him and his lover attempt to do it
- when he gets nightmares he'll cry silently and wants to be hugged and comforted
- will want to share a room with his love
- gets jealous easily

Affogato Cookie

- very flirty, very seductive
- loves to go on fancy dates
- has a secret worshippimg kink
- treats his SO like royalty, doesn't want them to do any work at all, wants to pamper them all the time
- loves to pick out outfits for his loved one as well as doing their hair and make up/ skincare
- long and hot baths together are his ideal version of a shared evening, preferably with essential oils thrown into the mix
- wears teasing/ provoking outfits on purpose
- normally shies away from taking the blame for things that have gone wrong, but if his loved one is at risk of being blamed he will jump in and take the blame any time
- will ask the king for permission so he can marry them, will manipulate him into agreeing if he doesn't
- will manipulate anyone into giving his lover what they want
- gives tons and tons of physical affection, it never stops
- will probably want to start a big family
- will teach his lover about poisons and how to identify them
- might try to use an aphrodisiac on his love when he's in the mood
- is a switch in bed

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