Pure Vanilla Cookie X ??? Reader (Marry Me, Or Else!)

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Third Person POV

ℙ𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕍𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕖 has never in his long life been scared of a visitor. Today this was changing.

It all had started this morning. His assistant had brought in the mail like every morning. Pure Vanilla knew something was wrong, when they were followed by two - no, three royal guards.

Turned out one of the letters was the reason for this. It was from another ruler. A feared cookie, who had established their reputation as a ruthless warlord by invading one kingdom after the other and bringing large amounts of territory under their control.

In their letter they had basically invited themself into his castle, announcing to Pure Vanilla that by the time their letter reached him, they would arrive within the span of the same day.

From that point onwards the Pure Vanilla Castle fell into hectic chaos to prepare for the worst.

Pure Vanilla wasn't allowed to leave the throne room for safety reasons. Two guards were positioned at each entrance and two more beside his throne.

Outside of his throne room he could hear cookies chat and argue, their voices loud and petulant. Many were scurrying around, shifting things from point A to point B, while simultaneously trying to organize the stream of incoming citizen, who were seeking refuge from a possible attack.

All of this was happening on Pure Vanilla's behalf. He had given out orders to improve the kingdom's defences and offer protected shelter to the defenseless.

They were preparing to the best of their abilities. Yet Pure Vanilla was still anxious.

His kingdom was anything but ready to withstand an invasion. His people were mostly healers and peace-seekers, not warriors.

They weren't set up for war. They stood no chance.

To put it short: If nobody came to their aid...

They were screwed.

Of course Pure Vanilla knew that. He wasn't dumb. Which was why he immediately sent letters to his friends Hollyberry Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie asking for help.

Until they would arrive themselves however he would have to hold out on his own.

The preparations continued, Pure Vanilla kept things as organized as possible and before he knew it the morning had turned into afternoon.

Pure Vanilla was pacing in front of his throne. A restlessness had settled into his dough, that would only fade when the moment had arrived.

And arrive it did.

First thing that gave his "guests" arrival away was the playing of a fanfare outside of the castle's gates.

Hearing the foreign melody played by a horn brought Pure Vanilla's stressed thoughts to a halt. He stopped his pacing and directed his senses toward the door, even opening his aching eyes to try and see.

Sadly all he could see were blurred shapes and blotches of color. But he was on high alert, so naturally he would use as many of his senses as possible to recieve the most information from his surroundings.

A deafening moment of silence followed the fanfare. Someone could slice the air clean in half if they tried. Pure Vanilla's guards stood a little straighter.

The double doors to the throne room opened and in strode the feared warlord Pure Vanilla had heard so many rumors about.

(Y/n) Cookie themself.

<^> <^> <^> 

(Y/n) was a cookie of imposing height, that surpassed Pure Vanilla's by half a head. Now that they stood before his throne, he could make out that they were clad in armor, which was covered in little dents and scratchmarks all over. A black cape clung around their shoulders, adding further impression to their figure. Atop their head, sat a dark crown, underling their image.

Pure Vanilla had seen enough

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Pure Vanilla had seen enough. He closed his eyes with a frown, allowing the ache in them to lessen. His grip around the armrests of his throne tightened, as anticipation for what (Y/n) had to say built up.

He refused to let his flowerstaff open it's own eye. It only functioned as a third eye in terms of spiritual things. It let him see auras or spirits for example. Sadly it couldn't replace his actual vision.

"Pure Vanilla Cookie. It's such an honor to meet you in person." (Y/n) Cookie purred. Their voice smooth and calm.

Pure Vanilla gulped. He could feel their calculating energy radiating around them.

"(Y/n) Cookie." He greeted them back.

"Ah, I see my reputation precedes me~" They chuckled at the fact he knew their name.

"What do you want from my people and I?" The ancient cookie interrupted them, cutting straight to the point. Although he knew the answer, he needed confirmation.

Another chuckle from the warlord in front of him.

"The very same than from all the other kingdoms that came before yours~"

So it was true. Pure Vanilla leaned back in his throne and heaved a sigh of resignation, the coolness from the back rest seeping through his robes.

"You wish to wage war on my kingdom..." He concluded, sadness filling his heart.

"Oh, no no, my darling!" They cooed. "Despite of what cookies whisper about me, I am not a monster~ I do own a little bit of common sense, which is why I came to you with an offer."

"And that offer would be...?"

"Look, I know you guys are healers" (Y/n)'s voice was now much more serious, as they continued.

They were probably gesturing along to their explanation, but Vanilla could only guess.

"And if I really were to attack, you.... Let's put it simple: You would loose instantly. And it'd be such a shame if all that amazing knowledge and the gifts your people possess were to get lost in the fury of an invasion. So I will leave you with a choice: Marry me and make me rightful ruler of this kingdom beside you. Or reject me and I will follow the standard procedure of proper invasion."

Vanilla's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Marriage? He certainly didn't expect that.

Did he want it though?

Personally... No. He wasn't fond of marrying a stranger. Let alone a warlord.

But if he didn't, his people would suffer.

His frown deepened. As the ruler of his kingdom it was his responsibility to keep everyone save. Their happiness laid in his hands.

And what did he learn back in the academy? The need of the many outweigh the need of a single cookie.

He heard and felt (Y/n) Cookie move closer. The clank of their armor startled him into opening his eyes again, despite their aching protest.

The warlord knelt down in front of his throne, ignoring the warning shouts from his guards. They smiled softly at him, while their eyes still were as serious as before.

As they gently took his left hand into their own, being careful as to not to startle him more, they pulled out a small box from their cape.

"We'll, what will it be?" (Y/n) prompted him for an answer.

He looked down at their hand holding his own. It was clearly bigger than his....

"Y-yes. I accept your offer." He quietly answered.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw their smile widen, while they slid a slim ring made of a dark metal and a little pastel yellow gem onto his ring finger.

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