Licorice Cookie + Child! Reader (Tickles)

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Requested by: @87ari ! ^^
I hope you will enjoy!


Third Person

"Licorice, I need you to watch over (Y/n) for me today."

The young necromancer turned around in surprise, when he heard his master's voice. There, in the castle's dark corridor, stood Dark Enchantress Cookie, all menacing and superior looking, holding the hand of a small child.

A tiny, (Your flavor) flavored cookie, not older than four or five. They had been part of the squad ever since they were freshly baked. The dark misstress had found them abandoned in the woods and couldn't have left them there.

Poison Mushroom Cookie had been ecstatic about the new "friend" back then and went on regular playdates with them ever since.

The dark misstress on the other hand had made it her personal mission to raise the tiny being into the perfect vessel of darkness. But she was a very busy lady and needed her subordinates to watch over the child on many days.

And today seemed to be such a day, as she gently nudged the child into Licorice's direction, making them walk over to him.

He looked down at a pair of (E/c) eyes,which gazed back at him, big and round and glistening in excitement.

"Sure thing, master...! They'll be in good company! Heh..."

"Good. Thank you. I will pick them up again at seven."

Dark Enchantress smiled in contentment and turned around.

Licorice nervously grinned back, watching his misstress go. As soon as she rounded the corner and was out of sight, his grin fell out of his face however.

He fought back a quiet groan, when he felt a small tug at his sleeve. Trying to keep a neutral expression, he looked down at (Y/n).

"Yes? What is it, kid?"

"Can we go play something together, mister Licorice? Please!", (Y/n) asked him with their high-pitched kid's voice.

He returned his attention straight forward and began walking. Immediately, (Y/n) began following him, waiting for an answer, an impatient bounce in their little steps.

"Hmmm..." A thoughtful hue glazed over the yellow eyes of the aspiring dark mage as he pondered the question.

He wasn't really in the mood to play with the child. Originally he had planned to use this day to improve his summoning circles.

So how could he keep the youngster busy without them bothering him...?

As the two were walking down the hall, they came by a purple door. Mushrooms were drawn onto the lower half of it, presumably with crayons.

Licorice stopped.

Just then he thought of someone, who was always happy to spend time with their friends.

Poison Mushroom Cookie!

And the little shroom liked to keep their friends close by at almost all times! Thehe! It was the perfect plan!

As always, when Licorice came up with a plan. His thought process was flawless after all!

He snickered to himself,earning a confused glance from small (Y/n).

Smirking down at the child, he reached out and patted their little head.

"Unfortunately I don't have the time to play with you. I'm too busy."

"Momma says, only important people are ever truly busy.", (Y/n) deadpanned, interrupting him.

"Wh-? Hey! What does that mean?!"

The child shrugged in response.

"Hhhhhh- Anyways- How about a playdate with Shroomie?"

(Y/n) jumped up and down in joy. "Hooray! A playdate!"

Their cheers continued as Licorice snickered once more and knocked on the purple door.

Soon enough it was opened and the little fungus poked their little head out of the door. When their eyes locked on (Y/n), they lit up in joy.

Both children called out for each other and hugged. They celebrated their meeting with a small dance in which they held hands and twirled around in a circle.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, you two are cute and all-" Licorice fought back a chuckle. "Nowyou go and enjoy your playdate in Shroomie's room, while I go back to my studies."

The cookie with the black dreadlocks proceeded to gently nudge the children back into the room and closed the door on them. Once that was done he stood up straight and stemmed his hands onto his hips. His posture was an image of confidence and contentment.

Now all he had to do was get back to his room and-

Muffled giggles came from the purple door.

"Hey!", he shouted. "Don't cause any problems! Okay?"

"Nooooo promises...!" Shroomie's voice responded, followed by more giggles.

Licorice sighed in response and hurried off, before there was any actual problem he would have to take the resposibility for.

Behind the purple door however, two children were sticking their heads together and planned to cause exactly that....

<^> <^> <^>

About thirty minutes later Licorice was sitting at his desk. He had his window slightly open, same with the curtains to let in enough daylight for his studies.

He had his head and mind deeply stuck in the contents of yet another book about necromancy. By now Licorice had already forgotten about the child he was supposed to watch over. The bigger was his surprise when his room door slammed open without any previous knocking.

Two small cookies ran into his room and straight towards him. They wore colanders from the kitchen as helmets and weilded wooden spoons and spatulas as their mighty weapons.

"Chaaaaaarge!!", the younger one of the two - (Y/n) Cookie - happily yelled. Their purple mushroom friend giggled and ran after them.

Licorice jumped in his seat, almost dropped his valuable book and let out a very unmanly scream.

Shroomie and (Y/n) tackled him from both sides and started tickling his sides without mercy. He tried to stop them of course, still in shock.

Unfortunately, Licorice is a very ticklish cookie. So he naturally broke out into fits of giggles and laughter, the children excitedly giggling along.

"Keeeeep going! ...We have almost.... almost defeated the draaaaagon!" Shroomie encouraged (Y/n) to continue.

Which they did with glee, while their supposed supervisor gasped for air and pleaded for mercy.

"No- Stahahahahap! Hahahahaha! Noo! Mercy! Please!", Licorice exclaimed.

"Never!", (Y/n) retorted.

The young mage tried to get out of his seat in an attempt to escape the two children, but he only ended up getting dragged to the floor. Where the two youngsters continued their tickle-attacks. Leaving Licorice on the floor beneath them, laughing and gasping and writhing.

Eventually he had enough of being the victim. So he reached out to tickle the two back. One hand for each child was enough. Now it was their turn to back away and giggle, trying to evade him.

He snickered. "Don't think you can escape the mighty Licorice Cookie! Winner of all tickle-wars!"

And thus, the tickle-war ensued...

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