Caramel Arrow Smut ABCs!

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This one's a private suggestion from a friend of mine! You know who you are! ^^


She will ask you if you need or want anything. Won't rest until you are 100% comfortable.

Body Part

She is very proud of her hair, since it took forever to grow this long.

Tied in with this, she adores your hair as well. She thinks it's the prettiest (and most grabbable >:3) part of you.


Doesn't like to make a mess. Won't get mad if it happens tho and just cleans it up as soon as it's appropriate.

Dirty secret

Despite being a loyal and obedient watcher she's one hell of a Dom in bed.


She made sure to read a lot and gather theoretical knowledge about the subject, so that she wouldn't embarrass herself. All her practical experience builds on that together with you! ^^

Favorite position

Really likes 69 for its equality. This way both of you give and receive at the same time and no one is left out. Likes to straddle and grind on you too.


Doesn't need it, since she prefers to take the lead. Is really good at giving guidance though


Shaved. Entirely. She doesn't mind it on her partner.


She's not a big fan of the cringy type of romantic things. Prefers to stay serious and get to business.

Jack Off

She does it occasionally, especially when you're not around and she needs to destress.


Likes to be called Mommy, Possessiveness, Marking, Bites occasionally


She doesn't care that much about the location, as long as it's private enough not to get disturbed.


She gets turned on when you express your desire for her or kiss her for a prolonged amount of time. Another motivation is being this close with you after a stressful day.


When you start crying or are insecure about something. Needs to make sure all insecurities are aside and taken care of before she does anything with you.


Prefers to give oral. Enjoys your taste a bunch and compliments you on it a lot.


She wants it to be juuust right. Not too fast, not too slow, not too soft and not too rough.


She's not a fan of quickies. She needs some time to unwind and start enjoying herself and wants you to do the same.


Doesn't like to take risks and stays in charge. Is careful when putting risks onto you.  Eager to try out new things with you.


Cara can last up to 2 to 3 rounds. Up to an hour so to say.


She has a couple that she likes to use on you. >:3


She can be a real tease! Especially when she's using her toys on you, she has a tendency to edge you quite a bit.


She prefers to stay quiet. You won't hear more than pleased groans or whispered praise from her.


As much as she loves to pull in hair, she likes her own being pulled as well.




Has a moderate sex drive. You're doing it about 3 times a week and she makes sure to make it last every time.


Doesn't sleep quickly at all. Needs some time to calm down, preferably after a shower.

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