Black Raisin X Reader (Just A Dream?)

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Before we start, I wanted to mention, that this oneshot was inspired by my friend VanaTheDevilishAngel while we were chatting. ^^


The forest is dark and quiet. Between the blue ribbons of mist, shadows lurk. Hungry like predators. Intimidating like an unknown source of potential danger.

But I am not scared. For my lady has taught me to embrace the shadows. And to let them embrace me. To accept them as friends and they shall accept me as a friend too.

As a child I used to be scared of them. But now I use them as my hiding spot. I am the hungry predator within the shadows of this forest. I am the unknown source of potential danger.

No. We are.

Me. My lady. And her crows.

The birds follow her wherever she goes. As if she is their queen. The queen of crows.

She very well could be.

She might not look like one with her untamed, long black hair, the torn make-due clothes and bandages winding up her three limbs.

But the elegance she moves with. The courage and strictness in her beautiful, dark eyes. And the will in her heart to protect everyone she cares for have convinced me otherwise.

She is my queen. Although I would never dare to say this out loud in front of her.

I'm too much of a coward.

So I keep calling her my lady instead.

My lady, who was walking right in front of me. On the way back home from a hunting trip.

She had chosen me to come along with her. Which I gladly did.

We are carrying a couple cream rabbits. Not a lot, but for some reason I have this feeling they're enough. Enough to make stew for everyone.

As we are trekking through the swamp, carefully choosing our steps, the blue mist wraps around our feet, as if  to try and pull us into the grimy waters below.

My lady suddenly turns around to me and gifts me a proud look out of her gorgeous, dark eyes, the red cross in one of them gleaming contrastingly bright in joy.

"I am so proud of you today.", she says, her voice like music to my ears, "Your skills were put to good use."

Suddenly I see her smiling at me. The sight feels foreign. Is it really that rare? I can't seem to remember.

I smile back in return, the warm feeling of pride blooming within my own chest.

"Thank you, mylady." My queen.

She turns back around and steps out between the gnarly trees. We reach the edge of a lake amidst this swampy forest. The fog here is thicker and reaches higher. The air colder.

No matter how thick the fog however, it fails to hide the huge, hollow tree stump of the size of a mansion, sticking out of the water in the middle of the lake.

And the snakes.

Huge, scaly beasts with stunning patterns on their winding backs. Some of them have fangs, some don't. Some come in vibrant colors, some are more muted or bland.

They seem to guard the place. And they seem to listen to me.

I only figure this out, when I call for one and it actually comes over. A beautiful specimen. Scales white as clouds and a blue zig-zag pattern running along its back.

The snake was easily big enough to carry two cookies across the dirty water.

It lifts its head out the water and locks its icy eyes on me. It is not the only pair of eyes looking at me expectantly. My lady also gazes at me, once more in wonder about how I manage to speak to these snakes.

I don't know how myself. I don't remember having done it before. Then why does it feel so familiar?

I don't have time to think about it right now. Instead I order the snake to let us on its back and carry us home.

Which it does.

My lady and I stand comfortably on its massive head, as it elegantly glides through the water, towards the tree stump.

Silence settles between us, like it has for almost the entire day. But it is comfortable. We don't need many words to get along. Already content in each others company alone.

As I look at the giant stump in front of us, I can't help but to let my thoughts wander.

This is our new hide-out, I think, Everyone fits inside it comfortably and despite its rough looking exterior, we made it a homely place inside.

I do not know, where this knowledge comes from, but I am about to find out.

We are almost there and I can smell mushrooms. Mushrooms grow on the inside of this tree stump. A great additional source of nutrients directly under our care. Cookies are chatting inside. Their voices happy, despite the dark surroundings.

My queen's aura changes beside me. The calm fades and instead a joyous expectancy takes its place. She loves these people. She lives for them. Breathes for them. Goes through every torment for them.

I want to dedicate myself to these people just as much as she does. And I will. Eventually.

By now we arrive at the entrance, a big root acting as a footbridge for us, to reach the inside safely and dryly.

Warm orange light greets us from the inside, flickering to the soothing sound of crackling fire. The chatter grows louder...

And I wake up.

Everything is quiet. The swamp and the forest are gone. The snake is gone. The inviting light is gone. But worst of all: So is my queen.

I sit up in my bed confused. It was all a dream? It felt so vivid, so real. Like I had truly known this cookie, whose name I don't even remember.

But I remember my feelings for her, the endless adoration. And the certainty that she might have returned those feelings, even if it didn't always seem like it.

Why did I wake up in the first place?

I rub my head and look around the small, moon-lit room. The window is slightly open to let in the fresh mid-summer night's air. Birds are flying about at the edge of the forest right behind my garden.

I hear the caw of a crow.

Crows. Weren't they in my dream?

Warily I get up and tip toe my way to the window. I gaze out into the night.

Coutnless crows are outside. All of them soaring the sky, as if they rule it. They caw and call. A taunting sound, almost imitating my name, trying to lure me outside.

I am cofused even more. Is my tired brain imagining their calls sounding like my name? Or is it not?

The latter thought is unsettling me. I hope I am imagining.

But I know my eyes are not imagining things, when they suddenly catch glimpse of a dark figure standing between the trees closest to my window.

A dark figure, with two even darker eyes.

In one on them a red cross glowing brightly.

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