Affogato X Slave Merchant! Fem! Reader (Cat And Mouse P1)

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Not a request, but I promise I'm working on them-!



There's a lovely banquet going on in the citadel tonight. An event, that gathered many highly valuable and pretty cookies in one spot. Many royals and even the guards would be distracted by the mass amounts of food and liquor. The perfect opportunity for uninvited guests to slip in and have a look around...

Third Person

The citadel's great hall was beautifully decorated in blacks, whites and purples. Banners with the royal crest hung from the vaulted ceiling and walls. Great amounts of luxurious foods piled on a long table at the side. Right beside it, a small bar had been set up for the occasion.

Unusually upbeat music wavered through the air. Coming from a small podest at the other side of the room, where a couple servants stood.

Most guests were dancing. Having a good time. They were celebrating the announcement of Caramel Arrow as the new First Watcher.

All, but a handful of cookies.

The host and initiator of this event, the king's right hand, was lingering around the bar. He stood in a shaded corner besides the counter, a drink in his hands.

Affogato's bright eyes flashed as they scanned the room, a bitter smile on his lips.

The area, where the throne stood, was dark and empty with the king nowhere in sight.

The announcement of a new First Watcher had caused a massive throwback in Affogato's plans. He had just gotten rid of the old one, so he could replace them with one of his own goons.

This way he could've gained control over the watchers, but no-

The king had chosen this woman instead, who - on top of all - was deathly loyal to him.

Another obstacle on his way to the throne-

As if to rub salt into the wound, it was tradition to celebrate such a promotion with a banquet.

Ugh, what a waste of precious resources on such a nobody!

Affogato frowned and took another sip from his drink. The liquor burned in his throat, just like his jealousy and bitterness.

At least the other guests left him alone. Something Affogato was secretly glad about. He wasn't in the mood for meaningless conversations right now.

Instead he busied himself with his bitter thoughts and watching the guests.

Until his eyes met with someone else's. Immediately, a hot shiver ran down his spine.

He felt as if he was looking into the eyes of a predator. (E/c) irises bright and on high alert.

And they were focusing on him.

Affogato felt his heart beat in his throat. Who did these eyes belong to?

The stranger was standing in a shady corner, just like himself. The only difference was, they blended in with the shadows better with their darker choice of clothing.

Like other guests they were dressed fittingly for the occasion. Elegant and simple, but fitting.

They were still staring at him. Despite feeling unbearably vulnerable under the stranger's gaze, Affogato kept looking back at them. There was no way he would avert his eyes first.

Their staring contest went on for a couple more agonizing moments. Until finally a dancing couple moved in between them, breaking the eye contact.

Affogato breathed a sigh of relief. That relief however was short lived, when the couple moved on and he had to discover, that the stranger was no longer there.

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