Headcanons #5 (Dating Style!)

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I'm in a mood for more headcanons! Don't judge me- >:3


Dark Choco (Of course my bby will be in this! :3)

- very loyal and honest lover
- hates arguments, prefers to stay calm during a discussion and tries his best to avoid misunderstandings
- very good communication skills
- cuddles for the win!
- doesn't mind his SO playing with his hair and making silly hairstyles with it
- actually enjoys tender physical attention, like soft hugs, kisses on the forehead or caressing his hands and cheeks  A LOT
- will do the same for his loved one
- it's his top motivation to get through the day, to know he can be with his loved one at the end of it
- would sacrifice anything for his SO
- is probably already planning his proposal <3
- doesn't mind helping with household chores
- cooks for his loved one every once in a while
- gentle kisses
- holds hands in public a lot, partially to show off his relationship, partially to ease his anxiety of loosing his SO in a crowd
- will get nightmares about his past sometimes and needs his SO to sing him back to sleep with a soft lullaby
- would be a caring, loving and understanding father
- in general very calm, sweet, gentle and adores everything about his lover

Dark Cacao

- deadly loyal
- very protective
- has a slight tendency to get jealous, but will talk to his SO about it calmly before freaking out
- if he freaks out, he won't be mad at his loved one, but will yell at or threaten the one who's making him jealous
- will definitely make his loved one his spouse at some point
- will at least attempt to murder whoever dares to hurt his SO, be it physically or mentally
- when his SO gets cold, he won't hesitate to put his cloak/ coat around them
- if his lover would ever get kidnapped, he'd literally start a war to get them back
- will proudly show off his love at any event possible, be it a meeting with some officials or some dinner he was invited to
- of course he wants his SO to be by his side as much as possible
- doesn't like secrets
- tries to keep his anger at bay when something bothers him, but sometimes still raises his voice by accident
- he'll apologize immediately after though
- loves taking hot baths together with his lover
- will probably want another child
- has trouble sleeping alone, always holds his SO close
- despite his enormous strength always a very gentle, respectful and sensual lover

Lilac (This one's specifically for my bestie @VanaTheDevili! ^w^)

- the quiet type
- only likes to show affection in private
- will shower his SO with all kinds of affection once they're alone though, to make up for the lack earlier
- primarily focuses on giving verbal affection though, like praise or repeated confessions
- his lover is the only one allowed to see his vulnerable side
- if he seeks affection, he will hug his SO and not let go until he feels good again
- loves it when his hair is being played with
- kisses on the forehead for life
- hums his lover lullabies
- is an excellent cook and loves to surprise his SO with elaborate meals
- will encourage his lover to follow and achieve their dreams
- very supportive boyfriend, just from the background
- very good seduction skills (Imma just say exotic dances~)
- will escort his love anywhere
- sadly he doesn't have a lot of shirts to steal, so either his lilac scented cologne, or his accessories it is
- stays cool during an argument, even when his SO looses it
- loves to dance with his lover and teach them dance moves from his culture
- cares greatly for his lover's safety, so he makes sure to teach them self defense and how to use his chakrams
- his SO is the only one besides Lilac, who is allowed to touch his weapons

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