Rebellion Of The Red Flame P3

137 3 2

Am I getting invested in this? Yes I am >:3


Somewhere in the snowy valleys of the kingdom, a lone figure marched through the snow. His black cape and overall darker appearance in stark contrast to the endless white around him.

Stoic as ever, he set one foot in front of the other, not minding the cold winds blowing tiny ice crystals into his face. They stuck to his lashes, freezing them partially. His every breath was visible before him.

But he wasn't bothered, no. He grew up here. Nothing about this experience was foreign to him.

He just pulled his hood further into his face and kept going.

His destination slowly became visible before him. A simple yet sturdy wooden wall surrounding a settlement.

He remembered this place. This used to be a normal village at the foot of a mountain. Originally it was founded to guard the mountain pass not to far from it. Back in the days of his younger self it was already filled with people, fundamentally different to the rest of his kingdom.

They had always been free thinkers. Sceptical towards the king even. It was no wonder they had taken on this path of resistance now.

He was keen on joining them.

Finally he stood before the closed gates to the fortified settlement. Quietly he waited to be noticed. He never was a loud cookie to begin with. Shouting had just never been part of his nature.

Thankfully he didn't have to wait long. An archer in a red hanbok with leather wrist guards and shoulder pads peeked his head over the wall. He squinted at the dark figure in the snow.

Hands clenching around the bow, he snarled.

"Name and reason for being here?"

The visitor pulled back his hood, revealing raven hair with two white streaks in it, that barely went to his shoulders. A single, red eye returned the archer's surprised glare.

"My name is Dark Choco Cookie. I wish to join your cause."

The archer stared a moment in disbelief, before jumping down from the wall to open the gates.

As soon as they did, Choco pulled his hood back over his head. He didn't want to be recognized by everyone immediately. First he had to figure out, what the other rebels thought of him.

Inside the village, two more soldiers (dressed in similar uniforms as the archer) awaited him. They took him into their middle and beckoned him to follow them.

They brought him down the main pathway. Workshops littered the street left and right. All sorts of things were crafted in them. From odd looking saddles to armor to weapons. What surprised Choco the most however, was the delicious smell of food wavering through the air. He could smell a variety of herbs and spices, all in defiance of his kingdom's customs.

The Dark Cacao wasn't big on using spices, due to the scarcity of food in general. If you're lucky, your meat jerky was seasoned with a little salt.

But this, here, smelled like a lavish variety of a lot of foodstuffs. He wondered ho they pulled this stunt of. Hopefully he would learn soon.

The soldiers brought him to the largest house in the village. Coincidentally, it sat at the opposite end of the settlement, it's slight elevation allowing it to overlook the other houses.

The door was unlocked and the inside clean and tidy. Choco took of his boots and the soldiers asked for his weapon. Obediently he handed them his sword. (And cape, inside of the house was comfortably warm.) Only then was he allowed to step from the entrance area onto the polished wood floors of the living area. They were so shiny, they almost reflected his dark figure like a mirror.

He didn't glance at his almost-reflection and wandered towards the fire pit in the middle of the space. It was embedded into the ground, with a low table built around it and a kettle hanging on a chain above the fire.

Since he wasn't told what to do here, he took the freedom to sit down at the table. Folding his hands neatly, he waited patiently.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw one soldier cross the room and go up the steep stairs to the second floor. The other soldier stayed behind to watch him.

Choco glanced around the room. The lower floor of the house was definitely built in an open floor concept. Warm colored walls comlimented the dark wood floors and plenty of windows gave the space a more welcoming atmosphere. A more comfy looking lounging area was grouped around a second fireplace on the other side of the room. A couple shelves stood against the walls, filled with papers, books and the occasional decorative item. Wallspace that wasn't covered by a shelf, was either decorated with a display of hunting trophies or the banner of the rebels.

Choco stared at it for quite a while. What could the dragon stand for?

Before he could dwell on it further, two figures descended the stairs. The soldier and the cookie, who he presumed to be the leader of this organization.

Crumbs, what was it with him and ending up under the command of intimadting women...?

She was almost as tall as him. Her stern, amber eyes framed by sleek, brown hair that almost reached her knees. Her hair was partially put up and adorned with golden accessories, that had the shape of flames. Her hanbok, too, was red, but significantly more ornate. Embroidered fire climbed its way up from the hem of her clothes towards her belt. Nonetheless, her overall appearance seemed suited for battle.

Choco swallowed.

She thanked the soldiers and sent them on their way to continue their duties. Then she approached Choco and sat down across from him.

"Tea?" She asked with a subtle smile.

Choco nodded. "That'd be great."

She nodded and checked if the kettle had water, which it did. With a more satisfied smile, she reached underneath the table and brought forth two clay mugs without handles.

"Forgive me, but this won't be a tea ceremony." She muttered, while preparing two servings of green tea.

Choco didn't mind, honestly surprised by this level of hospitality.

Once done she handed him his mug and set down sugar and honey on the table as well. Where on earthbread did she get that from...?

With a guilty twinge in his stomach, he reached for the sugar and allowed himself one spoon of it in his tea.

The woman before him nodded approvingly, before getting her own dose of sugar.

"I never was a fan of bland tasting things. If I were, I'd just drink water." She sighed. "Anyhow. Now that you're accommodated, I believe it's time I introduce myself. My name is Ember Cookie, but you will address me as either ma'am or milady. Whatever tickles your fancy."

Choco nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

Thankfully he wasn't new to using such terms.

"You said you wanted to join my cause. Why?" She suddenly, but calmly cut straight to the point.

"Well..." Choco mumbled, taking a sip from his tea. "This kingdom is in dire need of change. The citizens are starving, threats from the wilderness are barely under control and no one's making efforts to trade with neighboring nations to improve our shortage of basically everything. I tried to... Reason with my father about these changes, but... "

His voice trailed of and he quietly guestured towards the scar over his missing eye.

"...It obviously didn't end well." Ember finished his sentence for him, which prompted another nod from him.

"Yes. He is very... Advice-resistant. Ignorant even. I believe a rebellion is needed to bring this land the change it deserves." Choco finished his reasoning.

Ember nodded, seemingly satisfied with his arguments.

"Very well then, Dark Choco Cookie. Welcome to the Rebellion of the Red Flame. We will find a position for you that is suited to your skillset. And maybe even teach you a little more."

Ember reached over the table to shake his hand firmly. With this guesture, his fate was sealed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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