Dark Cacao Kingdom (Rebellion of the Red Flame P2)

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Within twenty minutes or so, the Hall of Dignity drastically changed its appearance. Low tables were put together to form a really long one, that spanned from the throne across the entire length of the room. Cushions were provided as seating opportunities as well.

When Caramel Arrow Cookie, the first Watcher of the kingdom, arrived, everyone else already seemed to be there. Affogato Cookie, his majesty's right hand and advisor, included. It was quiet. Apparently she had missed the beginning of the meeting.

Affogato eyed Caramel Arrow with a small smirk hidden behind his gloved hand, bright eyes gleaming challengingly.

"Ah! The First Watcher!" He chuckled in a mocking manner. "Fashionably late. As per usual."

Caramel Arrow's face felt hot. Both from embarassment and anger. She knew she had to apologize for her late arrival, but also had a good reason for it.

However she did not want to give this vermin the satisfaction. So she bowed only into the direction of the king. A perfect 90 degree bend at her waist, as per curtesy.

"I must sincerely apologize for my late arrival, your highness. I was out on the Black Wall, checking on the new guards and how they were doing."

Understanding glints traveled through the eyes of the present cookies as well as approving nods. King Dark Cacao Cookie nodded as well.

"You are forgiven, First Watcher. Please, take a seat so we can continue."

Cara rose from her bow and walked along the table to her designated seat. It was relatively close to the head of the table, which she was decently proud of. She had earned her place and rank through hard training, labor and undying loyalty.

Unlike some snake, who only managed to persuade cookies by sugarcoated and false promises.

She sat down and had to fight back a smirk, when she saw Affogato's insulted face in the corner of her vision. The ganshin however hid his scowl behind his fan quickly.

The king glanced over the rows of present cookies. with a satisfied nod he raised his voice, presumably continuing where he left of.

"As I said, we have recived message of a rebellion establishing itself in our kingdom.", the king explained in his baritone - and also fairly monotone - voice. "Whether or not they will pose a serious threat remains unclear. So far they have only attacked one village and not killed any civillians. They have, however, stolen a significant amount of goods and supplies."

Cara nodded. She had heard the rumor from one of her comrades, who had spoken to the unlucky messenger. So far this 'rebellion' has only acted like a group of thieves. Perhaps it was less of a threat than initial worry made it up to be.

"A bunch of thieves they are. We should catch them and throw them into jail! Or force them to work on the wall." A relatively young Lieutenant spoke up. His commanding Vice General, Cube Choco Cookie, calmly interrupted him.

"Now, now. It won't be as easy as that. First we gotta figure out where exactly they are."

The Second Watcher nodded. "That alone can prove itself more difficult than we might think."

Affogato cleared his throat. "If I may add my own humble thoughts... I believe the best way to learn about this new opponent is to send spies and perhaps harm them from the inside of their ranks."

Right. A spy for you to gain more allies... Cara thought bitterly, as Affogato named two of his most trusted disciples, which he saw fit for the job.

King Dark Cacao pondered all that was said before drawing a conclusion.

"Sending spies may not be my usual way to deal with a problem, but seeing that we know verly little about this so called 'rebellion', it might be a smart move. It would quickly clarify the scale of the threat."

Oh heavens above, please no-

"Nevertheless I have other candidates for this mission in mind."

Affogato lowered his head, sunken in thought.

Cara's interest was piqued. At the same time she was relieved the king didn't blindly follow what his advisor said. She sensed the curiosity in the other cookiesaround her, who were also waiting for his majesty's next words.

"Thank you all for coming everyone. Take the given information along and instruct your troups to act accordingly. Caramel Arrow Cookie. Affogato Cookie. I would like to speak to you in private. The rest may resume their duties." The king nodded and the conference was over.

Shuffling and movement filled the Hall of Dignity. Everyone except for Cara and the snake got up and left quietly. Soon the hall was vacant except for the three and one royal guard.

Cara straightened her posture, awaiting the king's orders. She had a bad premonition about this set-up.

"Please come closer First Watcher." King Dark Cacao beckoned her over with a wave of his hand.

She did so without hesitation and stood before his throne. The king motioned for Affogato to stand beside her. He only moved after a moment of hesitance, clearly not happy about being put as an equal next to Cara.

He was wearing perfume. It was so strong and sweet, that Cara almost gagged from it. She wanted to shove him to gain a bit more distance between them. Following her better judgement she decided againstit however.

Not in front of the king. She could shove him later in a corridor. Or down a flight of stairs. Surely she would make lots of cookies happy.

"There's a bit of information I have deliberately kept from the rest." The king admitted after a small moment.

Both cookies in front of the throne tilted their heads. 

Dark Cacao reached behind himself and brought forth a lrage piece of cloth. Unrolling it revealed a flag.

"They have a flag?" Affogato gasped in disbelief. "Perhaps the threat is already bigger than anticipated?"

Cara shook her head. "With all due respect, many insignificant groups of thieves have flags or banners nowadays. It's an odd trend they have developed."

Affogato huffed. "And they have golden paint on them?"

"Very much so." Cara sent him a light glare.

King Dark Cacao sighed, effectively interrupting their bickering. "There's also this note. It came along with the flag."

He showed it to them. The note said:

You won't be king much longer.
- E.

That was all. It was written in neat handwriting though. This might come in handy when identifying the author of this note.

Cara's stomach twisted a little however. This was a direct threat to his majesty. Pretty bold, if she had to be honest. 

Affogato eyed the note in suspicion. "Who do these imbeciles think they are??"

"I don't know. But you two will find that out for me." The king said seriously.

Cara gasped. She was supposed to spy on the rebels?? With Affogato?? As a team? What did she do to earn this punishment...? Thankfully the ganshin seemed to be equally dismayed.

"My liege, you can't mean..."

"Yes, Affogato. I do mean it." Dark Cacao straightened his back. "As my Royal Advisor and First Watcher I trust you two the most to mingle with the rebels without having to worry about your loyalty. I want you to leave early next morning if the weather allows it. Reportback to me with any news you will find."

Oh heavens... This is gonna be the end of me. 

Despite her bitter thoughts, Cara kept a stoic expression and bowed alongside Affogato, accepting the mission.

"Yes, my liege."

"As you wish, your majesty."

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