Dark Choco Smut ABCs!

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Nyehehehehehehe, because I can! And because I'm a whore for this man- :')

This is basically just for self indulgence. Do let me know if you want to see this format for other characters too and I shall consider. ^^ These won't be counted as a request, so you can still leave suggestions for this format anyway.

Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

He'll be tired and exhausted when you two are done. Will feel the need to just flop down beside you, hold you close and nod off. If you feel the need to shower though, he will let you go. But only if you promise to return to his arms right away, so he can snuggle you. He isn't as lazy as he seems though. Should you ask him for something, he'll go and get/do it for you without a complaint.
Depending on what you did, it could also be up to you to do the aftercare.

Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and their partner's)

He likes his hands the most, because he can hold you, caress you, pleasure you and protect you with them all the same.

On you he likes several things:
Your eyes, because he loves to get lost in them and see his future unfold with you.
Your arms, because they give him comfort when he needs it.
The dip of your waist, because it just feels right to him, how his hands fit perfectly into the curve of it. Besides, he loves to hold you by your waist whenever you're kissing him.


He doesn't like finishing outside of you. Partially because of the potential mess, partially because he wouldn't consider it "a job well done". Would never do it without your consent though and asks for it every time. His cum probably also tastes semi bitter due to his heritage.

Dirty secret

He's secretly very kinky. He loves it when you dominate him through bondage and use toys on him until he's a trembling, drooling mess. He also likes to try new stuff in bed in search of new highs.

Something he would never admit to you, is how much he loves it when you pull his hair or when you edge him for hours.


He got the chance to gather a bit of experience during his more princely days. After his fall to the darkness however, his sex life was pretty much nonexistent. So he was quite insecure when he met you and needed your guidance and assurance. Over time he grew more self confident though and would even take the lead.

Favorite Position

When you ride him or the classic missionary with him on top. He likes to be as close to you as possible, should he top you, so you can expect him to lean over you as low as he can without crushing you under his weight. Or expect his breath to fan across your neck, if he isn't kissing you.
Doesn't mind doggy style either, if it is just for a quick session.


Like said, he needed guidance in the beginning, but not for long. Now he still likes to follow your instructions on how to please your needs. Will basically do anything you tell him to, as long as he's comfortable with doing it.


He likes to keep his chest hair on, same goes with his arms and legs. He will shave his armpits and crotch though.

Intimacy (How are they during the act? The romantic aspect?)

Depends on the occasion. He can be all caring and soft and hopelessly romantic for you, along with the needed discipline and respect. But there's also times where it's less about the romantic aspect, but more about mere lust and desire.

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