Dark Cacao Smut ABCs!

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Suggested by: BrokenDawn_



Dark Cacao is a king. And he'll make sure to treat you like his queen. Whatever your wish is, be it a drink, snacks, cozy blankets or a hot bath, he will read it in your eyes and fulfill it without you having to say anything!

Body Part

He loves your lips and eyes the most, when they work together to smile especially. Your loving and bright smiles bring him back warm fuzzy feelings and hope that his heavy heart has missed for years.
On himself he likes his strong arms the most, because he can engulf and protect you with them so well.


Is keen on leaving it inside of you every time. As a king it is of utmost importance for him to have at least one child with you.
His would taste bitter without a doubt. Therefore he doesn't get mad if you spit it out after giving him head.

Dirty Secret

He secretly likes it when you get dominant throughout a session. He's so used to being dominant in his political life, that it's a fresh new change of pace for him to submit to his love from time to time, that brings him great pleasure. It helps him shut off his head and unwind for a night.


Because of his age and previous marriage to Dark Choco's mother he brings along plenty of experience as well as lots of respect and understanding for his partner. It's nice to be viewed as an equal in a relationship. But this requires both parties to meet each other with the same amount of respect.

Favorite Position

Definitely missionary. He likes it classic.


He doesn't need it anymore. Will happily give you the guidance you need. Is a very patient and friendly teacher in bed, can give you step by step instructions and knows when and how to ask for your consent.


Shaved. Completely. No buts-


In opposite to his usually detached demeanor he gets very intimate during the moment. When with you he offers warm smiles and occasionally a wonderful hearty laugh. Knows exactly how and when to be a classic, romantic gentleman without it getting awkward.

Jack Off

Dark Cacao is very disciplined and doesn't jack off at all if you're not with him. Before he met you he was even abstinent for a long while. He still thinks it's hot though when you do it. While thinking about him especially.


Definitely a slight Daddy Kink, when you're a little on the younger side especially. Maybe a little bit of bondage as well. Overstimulation. Multiple orgasms as well, if that counts as a kink.


Strictly and only in your shared bedroom. As the king he has a reputation and image to worry about.


Sometimes he's struggling to get into the mood properly, because of stress and all the things that worry and burden him. Needs you to tease him with naughty comments over the span of a day (or cheeky flirts from you) to get into the right headspace. Sometimes it's motivation enough for him to know he can unwind and relax in the evening with you.


Disrespecting/Degrading him in any way. Not taking things seriously are a turn-off also. He is a very prideful man, who doesn't like being disregarded like that. Another turn-off is when he accidentally hurts you in any way, through his massive strength or heavy-handedness.


Has no preference in giving or recieving. Actually wants to keep it fair in terms of who recieves when. Usually you take turns, but if one of you had a particular stressful day, this rule doesn't count and the stressed one only recieves.
He is a god tier expert when it comes to giving oral. He knows exactly which spots to stimulate to send strong waves of pleasure through your body that cause your vision to white out.


Dark Cacao is usually a very sensual lover. He tends to keep the pace either slow or moderate, with well timed and well aimed movements. Depending on his mood he can also go rough though. But beware, with a man of his strength and size you won't walk the entire next day for sure!


Absolutely not. He's an old fashioned guy, so doing the deed is a big thing for him. Something to take care of with dedication, so he prefers to take his time. He wants to make sure his partner enjoys their intercourse thoroughly.


He's highly cautious when it comes to taking risks or trying new things. This is because his primary focus lays in enjoying the moment and making you enjoy it too. Besides, he's the stronger one of you two, it's his job to protect you, not to force risks onto you.


 Lasts for 2-3 rounds. Except for when he had an exhausting day, then he might only last for one. In terms of who climaxes first: It's always you, because he holds himself back until you are satisfied.


 He doesn't own any. Like I said, he's a classic, old fashioned guy. I also doubt they know how to make those in the Dark Cacao Kingdom. But one day you just ordered one for yourself. First you kept it a secret, being a little ashamed of your purchase. However it was only a matter of time until he found it. When he did he talked to you about it, asking what this strange object was. Relucantly you told him and surprisingly he was very curious about it. The next time you got down dirty he even used it on you as foreplay~


He likes to tease you mentally with naughty comments and dirty promises throughout the day until he can finally take you.


Nu-uh. He is very quiet. Nomore than a quiet groan of pleasure or his heavy breathing, that's it.


No sex before marriage! That's right! He is pretty old fashioned about this and very strict about this rule of his. Besides, he's a king. Don't forget about his reputation! Having a "boy/girlfriend" isn't well viewed by nobles. But having a "lady/lord" or fiancé is an entirely different thing that will eventually result in marriage. Plus: If he has sex with you before marriage, there's a risk you might create a child. And again: As a king he can't risk any of his offsprings to be a bastard (used as a term for a child from an unmarried couple) because of reputation issues-


8 inches solid. Take it or leave.


Has a moderate drive. Unfortunately he is so busy most of the time, that personal pleasures sometimes fall a little short. But he will make up for the lack of it when the opportunity arises.


Doesn't fall asleep very quickly. Has troubles with falling asleep in general. He enjoys a little bit of whispered pillow talk with you for a small while, as he lovingly holds you close to him until you fall asleep. He usually follows suit not too long after.

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