Dark Enchantress Cookie + Child! Reader (Abandoned)

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Requested by: LemonHere333333


Btw, I'm writing this while feeling sick, lmao       


Third Person

The forest was dark. As dark as the mistress riding her ashen steed across it's many paths on her way home.

She felt moody, her meeting with an ally, who was supposed to help her out with supplies, didn't go as planned. She didn't get all she wanted. Unfortunately there was nothing she could do about it just now. Her only idea was to send her minions to simply retrieve what she desired, but they were prone to failure.

She huffed and stared up at the grey skies, clouds looming tired and heavy close to the tree tops. The promise of rain hung in the air.

The ground already smelled after wet earth, even though the first drop had yet to fall. Her steed's hooves drummed across it in a slow rhythm.

Dark Enchantress Cookie nudged her horse with her heels, urging it to go faster, so she'd arrive home before the rain would start.

The grey animal snorted and shook its head before picking up the pace. The drumming of its hooves became faster and louder.

Dark Enchantress listened to it and let the steady rhythm, allowing her mind to wander. Her latest failed trading attempt cruised around her head, closely followed by bitter wishes aimed at the former ally, as well as possible next steps and plans to deal with this unpleasant hurdle.

Her mind was absent in this moment, but her ears were attentive. Attentive to the whispers of the dark forest.

Or rather: Cries...?

Yes, cries. She could hear the wails and whimpers of a small being.

Snapping back to reality, the dark mistress halted her steed. Her head turned from side to side, ears perked, senses on high alert.

She was trying hard to pinpoint, where the noises were coming from. In the end she slid out her saddle and landed elegantly on the ground, her cape falling gracefully behind her.

She summoned her staff, which appeared in a gust of red smoke and bright sparks. Telling her equine companion to stay right there, Dark Enchantress began to wander off the path towards the ongoing noise.

The soft crying slowly got louder, until it was right at her feet.

Down there, on the cold ground, between some thorny vines and a rock, laid a bundle. A tiny writhing bundle with an even tinier baby inside. Not older than a mere month.

Her red eyes widen the slightest bit. Who would leave their child out here?

A heartless monster of a parent, that's for sure., she thought bitterly as she crouched down to have a closer look.

The small creature was still wailing, short little arms stretched out and trembling in the hopeless search for warmth.

Dark Enchantress felt something inside her chest throb with pity. Without much hesitation, she picked up the baby, and held it close to her to help it get warm. Additionally, she wrapped her cloak tighter around them.

Swiftly, the dark mistress rose back to her full, intimidating height. She would take  the infant back home with her. Simply because chidren always had  seemed to trigger her soft spot. Probably because she never had the chance to have some of her own.

Plus, this wasn't the first orphan she had taken in and raised successfully to be a servant of the darkness.

She could and would do it again.

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