You Deserve The World Maddy

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The next day was chaotic for Lexi, she had so much to do. Lexi finally got a break during lunch. Well kind of, she was sitting in the auditorium working a bit more but Maddy was with her. Maddy had decided she was going to be by her side. They sat in the auditorium laughing.

They honestly didn't even hear the back door opens up. "Lexi fuckin' Howard," Rue said as she rush towards her best friend since pre-K. Lexi turned to look at her best friend confused. "Rue, are you ok?" "You have a certain drug dealer head over heels for you."

Maddy smirked at the two, she fucking knew it. That boy was whipped, like a adorable puppy, around her. "Wait what?" Rue sat down on the edge of the stage next to the girls. "So I was at Fez's," she started off.

"Wait you relapsed," Maddy and Lexi asked concerned. "No, he's my friend without the drugs. Even though we do smoke joints together," Rue stated. She needed them to think it was weed if she even acted high. The girls nodded unsurely.

"This isn't about me, I was telling you guys that while at fez' s he asked me for her number." Lexi's mouth hung wide open. "Omg I told you there was something there," Maddy cheered. "Wait when was this?" "Around 11, yesterday."

"He'll probably text soon." "Well he told me to ask you for your permission to text you." Lexi blushed as Maddy got more excited. "Text him right now saying yes." Rue pulled out her phone.

"Off topic but I got to go to the bathroom," Maddy said. "Well let's go then." "Wait let me go get some fliers to put up." They made it to the bathroom. Rue was leading against the wall while Lexi was hanging up fliers.

"Hey, Rue-Rue." "Hi, Cass." "Wait, are you in the play?" "What play?" "Lexi's play."

"What do you mean, Lexi's play?" "Uh, the play that Lexi wrote." "I didn't write it, it's Oklahoma." "What? The play's called Oklahoma?"

Lexi shook her head, "No, the drama club's doing "Oklahoma." Rue nodded confused, she was too high for this shit. "Oh my god. Do I look like I'm in Oklahoma?" "Why would your play be set in Oklahoma," rue said while ignoring Cassie.

"I have not clue why the play is set in Oklahoma." "You thought I was auditioning for Oklahoma," Cassie questioned in panic. "I haven't read it, so." "Are you making fun of me, or did you actually think I was auditioning for Oklahoma?" Maddy walked out the stall and started washing her hands.

Kat walked in with Jules as Maddy respond. "Why the fuck would you audition for Oklahoma? No offense Lexi." Lexi laughed but nodded. "I'm not," Cassie panicked.

"Then why the fuck do you look like you're auditioning for Oklahoma?" "Do I?" "Yes," Kat nodded. "Has everyone read Oklahoma but me?" They all turned to Rue confused, Lexi shook her head.

"I think I'm the only one that's read it." "Oklahoma's not like a play you read," Kat stated. "Rue, are you on drugs," Cassie said to try and diverse the conversation. "Yes," she stated without thinking about it. "You relapsed," Maddy, Kat, and Lexi stated concerned.

So did she lie to them just a while ago? "Wait, what," Jules and Cassie stated. Cassie said it to change the topic not because she actually suspected there was something. "Oh, I've just... Nah, I've just been smokin' a little bit of weed." They all looked very confused but decided to take her word for it, hoping that she would tell them the truth seeing as they were friends.

"Wait, I don't understand. If you're not auditioning for Oklahoma, then why do you look like that," Kat questioned her. "Like what?!" "Like a country music star," Maddy stated. "In a good way or a bad way?"

They looked at her concerned. "Bitch, you better be joking," Maddy stated. "Are you okay, Cass," Kat questioned her. Cassie looked that them and then stared straight ahead lost in her thoughts as they stood there in slience. "Should we," Jules asked concerned.

Meanwhile Cassie was having a whole monologue in her head about her telling them off. "She's been acting so weird lately." "Thank you, that's what I'm saying." "Y'all sure she isn't paying attention. She's going to hear you girls talking shit."

"It's not talking shit it's an observation." "It's talking shit." "Not it's not," Kat started but the bell rang indicating lunch was over. They all started filing out the door, Lexi stayed back to make her sister snap out of it.


Auditions were cancelled because the drama teacher had fallen off the stairs and needed to go to the hospital. So Lexi was going to go home. That was until Maddy dragged her along to the house she babysat. Cassie, Maddy, Lexi, and Theo were sunbathing. It was silent until Maddy spoke up, "I think being single's really stressing you out."

'No, I don't think so." "I hate it." "Really," Lexi questioned. "Yeah. I think Nate really fucked me up."

Theo gasped in disapproval of the profanity. "I said, 'messed me up'," she tried justifying her language. "No, you didn't," he whispered. "What do you mean?" "I keep trying to figure out if I feel worse now than I did when I was with Nate."

Lexi gave her a sympathetic smile. Nate was a jerk. "I mean, you were really unhappy." Lexi noticed the look of guilty and disturbance in her face. "Like, I remember how the good parts felt."

The two girls nodded signaling her to go on. "When it was bad, was it really that bad?" Lexi thought back to the time they all thought Nate chocked Maddy, well not thought he 100% did. Cassie shook her head, how could she be saying that. "Or am I just telling myself that because I'm lonely and bored?"

"No, you... you deserve someone who's passionate and loving. Who yearns for you, and, and can't wait to see you, who... who you're not gonna fight with, and just who's gonna love you. Like... really, truly love you." "You deserve the world Maddy," Lexi said agreeing with Cassie. "Yeah... I don't know."

Maddy turned to look at the little boy laying down next to her. "Do me a favor... when you get older, don't be an asshole to girls you like." "Okay," he said while nervous laughing.

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